Ahhh Jerry some times I find it bothersome, North America in both countries pay lip service to freedom of Religion, unfortunately now days they seem to forget that freedom of religion if you think about it also means freedom from religion and at 78 I am mature enough to have made up my mind and my choice to be free from it, any religion, so to have a person try and bombard me with their personal choice is no longer interesting or amusing. I have at this time in my life other priorities than defending a conclusion that I reached over 50 years ago and I've already stated that it's my responsibility, so if we throw open the discussion of religion like Terry and others I think we should be allowed to discuss political opinions as well being adults. Like all good Canadians I will apologize for being the loose cannon on an American forum, but at heart because of my antecedents I'm a #$%* disturber and think that is the right way to go.
Bill the demon.