Little Bobby came home from school and his mom asked if he had any homework.
"Yes mom I have some math homework"
"Well, while I make dinner you can sit in the kitchen and work on it"
So little Bobby cracks his books and goes to work. While his mom stands at the stove she hears him say toi himself:
"2 plus 2 the sonona#$%* is 4. 4 plus 4, the sonofa#$%* is 8, 8 plus 8, the sonofa#$%* is.."
At this point his horrifed mother interrupts him.
"What in the world are you doing, talking like that?" she asks.
"My teacher taught us to do math that way"
She immediately calls the teacher and confronts her.
"How dare you teach my chold to cuss as a math tool. He is saying stuff like '2 plus 2 the sonofa#$%* is 4'!"
At this point the teacher starts to chuckle.
"You think this is funny?" the mom asks.
"Well, I actually told the students "2 plus 2 the sum of which is 4"!