For the second time in 23 years in this house, some areshole broke into one of our cars. Recently someone smashed the rear door's quarter glass, ratted through the various junk in the little Hyundai Excel that I bought in 2002 when it was only 5 years old, and has been so reliable that extended loans to both of my sons hasn’t managed to kill it.
There are a few issues apart from the busted out glass. Two outside door handles were broken, the exhaust is rusted out, aircon needs regassing, oil, air and fuel filters and fresh oil, coolant and thermostat replacement. If it was an unreliable pig I would’ve just had it towed away to the wrecking yard but in 22 years and 100,000 miles I’ve replaced one windscreen, a set of tyres, brake pads, oil and filters, and a timing belt.
So instead of getting rid of it, I’m slowly fixing stuff. Did the thermostat, radiator cap and coolant last week, and on the weekend replaced the glass. I’d never done this before but Youtube is your friend and showed me how to remove the window winder securing clip, which was the hardest part of the job. The little green bean is a 4 door hatchback and is “rarer” (because they were a tad more expensive than the coupes) so the only place I could find a window was in Queensland. It arrived last week and I installed it on Saturday.
I’ve got a new exhaust system to install, new door handles, oil and filter etc, ready to go. I’m tempted to buy new spark plugs too, the ones in it are probably the originals, and the car is 28 years old and has done 160,000 miles.