Thanks people for the info. I'm waiting to see a pic of the title and frame vin before I drive to see it. If it is signed by previous owner and sale date is empty I may buy it as long as there is no liens on it and no need for notary on sale date.. As I recall, I had a Penn. titled bike at one time I bought here in NY and had to find a notary that would help me.I wasn't about to drive to Penn to find this guy and ask to meet him at a Penn. notary office.Nothing was hot, just paperwork bs hoops they make ya jump through.
I know Vermont is pretty easy on requirements of registering older vehicles. I don't know if they issue titles on older vehicles. Like 1972 and under in NY, you only need/get the signed over transferrable registration and bill of sale. Now, I believe they have an extra paper for the seller to sign saying the price, odometer and date of sale so NY can get the proper sales tax each time it changes hands. (which I think is also BS, How many times do they need to collect sales tax on an old ass bike?)
They don't want ya skipping title fees and owners. I think it's a Gov. rip off. Plus ya have to wait weeks for the title to resell the bike ya just bought to fix and sell. If this guy only has a transferable registration from Vermont, will it be accepted in NY as an actual title is what I'm still wondering.