Tom, very funny. I got my dui in jan '96; all I remember is $2000 a year. Currently my bike is insured through Progressive and everything else is through Ohio Casuality. I go through an agent who shops around for the best price. Dave, do I understand you correctly? If you have three cb's and they're $200 a piece for a total of $600 and you go out and buy 10 more, you'll only pay that same $600?
From what I've read so far, we all pay about the same (Washington state excluded!) so I guess you all are just making the sacrifice necessary to own multiple bikes- pay more insurance. Maybe I just need a higher paying job. As you all know, there exists a joy of growing up and acquiring all kinds of neat stuff and the misery of possibly losing it all in the event of an accident where you get sued. Enter more insurance.
Another thing I do (I think it's overkill) is per my agent's suggestion, I carry higher coverage than the state minimum requires. She tells me that it will protect me better in the event I get sued by someone I'm in an accident with, since I'm a homeowner and I have a lot of assets.
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