Hello all, hoping you honda vets can help out here. I searched this topic and it seems to be a relatively common issue.
77 k7. Stock wiring, new coils, wires, plugs, ends, etc. Voltage regulator gapped and functioning properly (opening/closing, correct voltage @ various rpms as per clymer manual). My 15 amp main fuse blows when the bike is up to temperature. When warming up, no issues. If bike is repeatedly revved past 5k, the fuse blows.
Static timing set, dwell ok, points gapped, runs like a top (when it runs haha)
I have replaced the factory glass fuse today with a 15 amp blade to no avail. I am aware there is probably a short circuit somewhere.
Is there a common place to start looking for an issue on these machines? Could the rotor/stator be shorting out and over energizing the system? When i unplug the rectifier problem persists. Short inside the engine case?
Thank you for taking the time to read this post.