i'm subscribed to this one.
my K7 came to me with a locked up kicker which happened to the PO accompanied by a 'loud noise ' so he pushed the bike home and eventually gave it to me. i initially pulled the clutch, found nothing amiss except an extra steel plate at the back of the basket. put it all back together and the kicker worked...yayyyyyy
left the bike for a while , not doing anything else to it and when i went back it was locked up again.....$hit
ended up pulling the engine and stripping it and can't find anything amiss, the kicker shaft turns fine in its mountings, the oil pump isn't locked up, the clutch is all good and everything else turns/spins/slides as it should
i haven't put the engine back together yet as the PO actually gave me two complete bikes and i'm going to fix the other one up and keep this engine for spares ( the rest of the other bike has already been sold on) this engine also has an 836 kit in it so one day that will go in the trail bike the other one is going to be
sorry if i'm hi-jacking the thread but anyone got any ideas on this one too?