Author Topic: Locked upkickstarter  (Read 693 times)

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Offline beemerbum

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Locked upkickstarter
« on: March 13, 2018, 03:02:14 PM »
After installing my K1 motor, I find the kickstarter locked up. I know the kickstart gear turns the oil pump. Will the pump turn if I use the electric start?

Offline Bodi

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Re: Locked upkickstarter
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2018, 04:46:18 PM »
No good can come of this. It's a pain but you should fix it now. At best you will wear out the pawl fairly quickly. Worst case... ???
The pump drives from the starter gear, yes. The starter gear is driven from the primary shaft that drives the clutch input.
No way to predict if what's happened to your engine will let it run and drive the oil pump. I wouldn't want to find out if it's going to make expensive noises when it starts.

Offline beemerbum

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Re: Locked upkickstarter
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2018, 05:24:27 PM »
I guess the question is will the oil pump spin and produce pressure in the system while the kickstart is locked up. I could live without kickstart capability.

Offline riverfever

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Re: Locked upkickstarter
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2018, 06:36:32 PM »
Might be a long shot but it's worth checking out before digging back into the motor. When I rebuilt my top end, the kicker no longer worked. I figured the two were just coincidence but was worried still. After looking closely, I noticed an ear on the kicker (where it fastens to the shaft) was cracked and this was causing the kicker to bind about 1/4 through its stroke.

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Offline Bodi

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Re: Locked upkickstarter
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2018, 07:59:32 PM »
I understood the question and probably my answer sucked.
The only way to know is to try. If something metal is wedged where it shouldn't be... it might just fall into the sump and be harmless, or it might get into the gears and become quite expensive. Possibly if you remove the sump and oil pump you will be able to see exactly what's going on in there? I think the kick ratchet should be visible.
Your bike, your call. I would try to figure out and fix the problem though.

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Re: Locked upkickstarter
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2018, 07:44:05 PM »
i'm subscribed to this one.

my K7 came to me with a locked up kicker which happened to the PO accompanied by a 'loud noise ' so he pushed the bike home and eventually gave it to me. i initially pulled the clutch, found nothing amiss except an extra steel plate at the back of the basket. put it all back together and the kicker worked...yayyyyyy

left the bike for a while , not doing anything else to it and when i went back it was locked up again.....$hit

ended up pulling the engine and stripping it and can't find anything amiss, the kicker shaft turns fine in its mountings, the oil pump isn't locked up, the clutch is all good and everything else turns/spins/slides as it should

i haven't put the engine back together yet as the PO actually gave me two complete bikes and i'm going to fix the other one up and keep this engine for spares ( the rest of the other bike has already been sold on) this engine also has an 836 kit in it so one day that will go in the trail bike the other one is going to be

sorry if i'm hi-jacking the thread but anyone got any ideas on this one too?
i blame Terry

Offline beemerbum

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Re: Locked upkickstarter
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2018, 08:53:40 AM »
No hijack. I've been told that in my case, when the kickstart pawl gets some oil, that it will loosen up and all will be well. My concern was that the kickstart gear turns the oil pump while the engine spins over with the electric leg. I got a re-built pump from CyleX. I followed their priming instructions, to wit: submerge the unit in oil and turn the gear until no more bubbles come out.