This is what I use to set the float assembly to contact the needle valve pin correctly. Any decent hardware store or possibly Harbour Freight should sell one for a few bucks. It is adjustable with a level section that will slide along the ruler and you can set it at a 21mm setting to check the float height. The float should be level along its entire length (front to back) and if not then you have something not set up right in your measuring format.
I have seen where the float is higher at the front and lower at the back and if that happens then there is a problem in either the way you have the float tang contacting the little push pin on the float valve, or the angle of the carb rack when you are getting the tang onto the push pin correctly. The tang being out of adjustment too far from 21mm can also affect the angle of the black float front to back too.
Wait until you have the carbs off and the jets removed, as I am wondering if you actually got the jets fully cleaned and the interior circuits clean too. The idle jet is critical to not only the idle circuit but also the running of the bike at other RPM ranges too and one of the most difficult to get cleaned properly. If you used the new brass jets then at least you would have had clean jets to begin with, yet they could still have become plugged with some small particles released when you did the petcock rebuild.