While doing first testing miles I realised unexpected behaviour of rear brake.
When braking on flat surface no issue, it brakes really perfect, fluent, high power.
But when braking on bumpy surface, brake pedal is moving up/down, braking is not fluent, I feel as brake drum is very oval...it blocks wheel easily
I also realised when doing setting of brake that all is OK when bike is on main stand, but when I put bike down from stand and sit on it, rear brake is braking!
Lookig at brake, wondering is that normal? I can imagine it is not very safe braking. I'm maybe oversensitive to it as I don't have front brake now (waiting new hoses to arrive).
Going back to your original question, I have essentially the same bike, and have put over 46,000 miles on it, and the symptoms you describe are completely NORMAL.
I believe you had the answer to the symptoms, when you said YOU may be overly sensitive, since you were riding with ONLY THE REAR BRAKE now.....that would certainly amplify any rear brake feedback and make braking on bumpy surfaces even more prone to skidding.
If you adjust the rear brake on the centerstand, it WILL tighten up off the stand, and under load.....it has happened to me also.....again, it is normal.
As others have said, the only brake "problem" you appear to have can be corrected with a simple rear brake adjustment.
Simply raise the pedal rest position as much as you can with the adjustment bolt,....THEN do the rear brake arm adjustment with the bike NOT on the center stand, and..........PROBLEM SOLVED..(after you get the front brake working!)
All the other discussion about arm lengths, pedal appearance, arm angles, etc, are not the problem....as they are the same as mine.
I believe some answers do not reflect that there is considerable difference between earlier models and K7&8.
As to the chain length issue, I did the exact same as you....ordered an 88 link replacement (only not endless) without counting links on the old chain...only to find it was only 86 links! You will probably need to cut off the extra and get a master link, as I did.
With only 9,000 miles, you have essentially a new bike.....adjust, ride and enjoy!