Author Topic: Christ Revealed Documentary Series available for viewing - DONE for now  (Read 16684 times)

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Offline Yamahawk

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This is an amazing 9 part documentary, based upon archaeological evidence, and cold-case investigations into whether Jesus is real. It is being made available for the next 9 days, 24 hrs viewing for each part. The sections range from 1:50 to 2hrs long. I watched it, and was riveted to the series, I hope you share with those you love. Happy Resurrection Day!

When this becomes available again, I will post here. The 9 day presentation is done, but the free 1st episode can be watched. God bless!
« Last Edit: April 18, 2018, 02:34:03 AM by Yamahawk »
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The Only Thing Necessary for Evil to Triumph, is for Good Men to do Nothing.
Edmund Burke

All Things work together for good, for those who love God and are the Called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

Though He slay me, Yet will I trust Him...
Job 13:15
will you trust Him...?

Offline Yamahawk

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I hope there was someone who got to view this series, or at least part of it. I know with the schedules we all have, trying to fit 2 hours of viewing each day into it, might be challenging... had one lady who watched a good portion of them tell me that they were simply amazing, and very thorough on the research and factual evidence presented. Also, the stories told by the participants were pretty awesome also.
1971 CB750K1 (newest bike), 1996 Royal Enfield 500 Bullet (therapy bike), 1981 Yamaha XV920RH, 2006 Kawasaki Concours (retirement bike), 1975 Yamaha RD350 (race bike), 1989 Honda VTR250 Interceptor (race bike), 1986 Kawasaki EX250 Ninja (race bike in progress), 1985 Honda Elite CH250, 1973 Yamaha GT1 80cc, 1974 Yamaha DT360 project bike.

The Only Thing Necessary for Evil to Triumph, is for Good Men to do Nothing.
Edmund Burke

All Things work together for good, for those who love God and are the Called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

Though He slay me, Yet will I trust Him...
Job 13:15
will you trust Him...?

Offline Mr. Mike

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I just watched the trailer, and it sounds great. As a Christian, it captures my interest, and I do hope the series holds true to what the Bible claims not only about Jesus, but the entire counsel of God from Genesis to Revelation.
There is the first of the series on YouTube, so I’m gonna get my headphones and watch.
Thanks for the nudge.
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Offline Yamahawk

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I hope you can share it with someone who is perhaps struggling with whether God exists. And what His plan is for them, and us. After watching the testimonies, and evidence, I bought the digital package, and I share it with everyone I can, Mike.  I am sure they will give another free viewing sometime in the future, so watch for it. God bless brother.
1971 CB750K1 (newest bike), 1996 Royal Enfield 500 Bullet (therapy bike), 1981 Yamaha XV920RH, 2006 Kawasaki Concours (retirement bike), 1975 Yamaha RD350 (race bike), 1989 Honda VTR250 Interceptor (race bike), 1986 Kawasaki EX250 Ninja (race bike in progress), 1985 Honda Elite CH250, 1973 Yamaha GT1 80cc, 1974 Yamaha DT360 project bike.

The Only Thing Necessary for Evil to Triumph, is for Good Men to do Nothing.
Edmund Burke

All Things work together for good, for those who love God and are the Called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

Though He slay me, Yet will I trust Him...
Job 13:15
will you trust Him...?

Offline BobbyR

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The narrator is annoying.
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

But we were boys, and boys will be boys, and so they will. To us, everything was dangerous, but what of that? Had we not been made to live forever?

Offline Mr. Mike

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Yeah Bobby I suppose. But that’s what the Pharisees of Jesus’ time thought of him too.

But beyond the narration, can you share any of your personal thoughts on the “message” though?
Believe it?
Don’t know?

I’m just curious since you viewed part or in whole the first in the series, and-
I’m not here to start a  ‘religious’ thread, or get into what differences people may have regarding this topic, but just your simple abbreviated take on it.

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Offline Yamahawk

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The narrator is annoying.
Hehe.. yeah, his 'practiced' hand gestures are what annoyed me.  I was able to watch the entire series Bobby, and noticed a peculiar thing... This fellow had a knowledge, but not a true relationship, or so I think,  and I watched him change through the course of the series, into someone who then Knew Christ, instead of just knowing about Him. It was an amazing thing to watch the revelation occur in Dr. Gentempo's face and demeanor during the 11 parts of this series (two bonus episodes). Yes, even Christians can have a knowledge, without Knowing Him...  ::)
1971 CB750K1 (newest bike), 1996 Royal Enfield 500 Bullet (therapy bike), 1981 Yamaha XV920RH, 2006 Kawasaki Concours (retirement bike), 1975 Yamaha RD350 (race bike), 1989 Honda VTR250 Interceptor (race bike), 1986 Kawasaki EX250 Ninja (race bike in progress), 1985 Honda Elite CH250, 1973 Yamaha GT1 80cc, 1974 Yamaha DT360 project bike.

The Only Thing Necessary for Evil to Triumph, is for Good Men to do Nothing.
Edmund Burke

All Things work together for good, for those who love God and are the Called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

Though He slay me, Yet will I trust Him...
Job 13:15
will you trust Him...?

Offline BobR

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Non-theist here. I believe he existed. A man with a message that has been distorted by countless others. Bob
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. Albert Einstein
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Offline Yamahawk

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Non-theist here. I believe he existed. A man with a message that has been distorted by countless others. Bob
So if you believe He existed Bob, do you believe what He said? If you do, then you must have read the Bible.. If you haven't read it, then your opinion is that He existed, but others distorted what He said. He Did say He is God, when He said I Am... that's what pissed off the Pharisees and Sadducees of his day. So, if you believe He existed, do you believe that He told the truth... for only one of three things is true... He told the Truth, therefore He IS the Son of God, He is a Liar, which means that the Book is false, or that He is crazy. If the last two are true, then how do we explain everything that has come to pass since the time He lived... There is great evidence in archaeology that He did exist, and that the details about His death and Resurrection are true. Also, the factual accounts of the witnesses who lived during that time have been examined by cold case detectives (they were atheists to begin with), and they concur that the men who wrote about Him were telling the truth about what they saw. That's pretty cool. Now, as far as other distorting what He said... there are 22,000 documents from archaeology that support a 98.5% accuracy as to what we now have in the english translation of the Bible. There is a silver scroll of the Book of Isaiah that is almost word for word what we now have, and it is dated to 700BC. The 1.5% error is attributed to the scribes making errors in their copying, by hand, each book.
Each person does have to make their own choice as to whether He is who He says He is. I encourage you to examine what is, and what has been documented. This series is a great way to do that. It may be the most important thing you have ever done.
1971 CB750K1 (newest bike), 1996 Royal Enfield 500 Bullet (therapy bike), 1981 Yamaha XV920RH, 2006 Kawasaki Concours (retirement bike), 1975 Yamaha RD350 (race bike), 1989 Honda VTR250 Interceptor (race bike), 1986 Kawasaki EX250 Ninja (race bike in progress), 1985 Honda Elite CH250, 1973 Yamaha GT1 80cc, 1974 Yamaha DT360 project bike.

The Only Thing Necessary for Evil to Triumph, is for Good Men to do Nothing.
Edmund Burke

All Things work together for good, for those who love God and are the Called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

Though He slay me, Yet will I trust Him...
Job 13:15
will you trust Him...?

Offline BobR

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 I believe he existed. I dont believe verbatim what has been said he said . It was a long time ago. 

I choose ti think of him as a "spiritual" teacher with a message of peace and love but that may be fanciful on my part. Bob
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. Albert Einstein
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Offline Mr. Mike

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Re: Christ Revealed Documentary Series available for viewing - DONE for now
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2018, 06:18:04 PM »
Well Bob,
I asked for your honest opinion, and you delivered.
Thanks for taking the time to respond, because really, you could have avoided the subject title altogether.

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Offline BobbyR

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Re: Christ Revealed Documentary Series available for viewing - DONE for now
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2018, 08:14:40 PM »
Yeah Bobby I suppose. But that’s what the Pharisees of Jesus’ time thought of him too.

But beyond the narration, can you share any of your personal thoughts on the “message” though?
Believe it?
Don’t know?

I’m just curious since you viewed part or in whole the first in the series, and-
I’m not here to start a  ‘religious’ thread, or get into what differences people may have regarding this topic, but just your simple abbreviated take on it.


I am a Christian, but not fundamental or evangelical. I think everyone is right Christians, Jews and  non fundamental Muslims, Buddists.

His teachings and message is strong .  however I don't feel the need to impart my personal beleifs on others.

Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

But we were boys, and boys will be boys, and so they will. To us, everything was dangerous, but what of that? Had we not been made to live forever?

Offline Mr. Mike

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Re: Christ Revealed Documentary Series available for viewing - DONE for now
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2018, 08:44:59 PM »
Oh, this a change up of sorts, glad you came back!
Thanks for sharing, and since it seems you, me and Charlie are the forum here, can we go a bit deeper into the “evangelical, fundamental all paths are right” avenue?

I appreciate your honesty and your views, but I’d like to be challenged in my own Biblical worldview by yours.

Care to elaborate on your outside the mainstream views of Biblical Christianity? After all, Proverbs 27:17 states, “ As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend”, so I’m asking, so no unwanted impartation by you.

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Re: Christ Revealed Documentary Series available for viewing - DONE for now
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2018, 12:16:59 AM »
I’d like to be challenged in my own Biblical worldview

Mind if I play?

Could start with a map.  The biblical "world" neglects to mention a few continents. 
Gotta play the field you're on I suppose.

Offline grcamna2

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Re: Christ Revealed Documentary Series available for viewing - DONE for now
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2018, 12:32:24 AM »
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Offline Yamahawk

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Re: Christ Revealed Documentary Series available for viewing - DONE for now
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2018, 03:46:32 AM »
I’d like to be challenged in my own Biblical worldview

Mind if I play?

Could start with a map.  The biblical "world" neglects to mention a few continents. 
Gotta play the field you're on I suppose.
Come on down...! :D
Ya know, the Hebrew word Adam means 'ruddy skinned man'... thats reddish hue. The Cherokee (who are ruddy skinned peoples) names for God are Yahweh and Yeshue... pretty close, if not identical to the Hebrew. There are some lost tribes of Israel, who came across the land bridge into this continent, and settled all across this north america, central america, etc... Now, how do I know that they were Hebrew? The 10 Commandments listed in the Bible, were found in the old 'stick' Hebrew writing, in cave paintings in the southwest by archaeologists. One was actually carved into the basalt rock of a cliff, and documented by a cavalry Captain on patrol in the Arizona Territory in the 1840's... 6 feet by 4 feet in size, and in Hebrew... it's pretty cool to see the evidence of the dispersion of the missing tribes of Israel, in this Continent.
Now, in the Natchez Trace, they have found Hebrew writing on pottery and stuff, from the indian tribes there, too. SO, they came to the east, also.

I believe he existed. I dont believe verbatim what has been said he said . It was a long time ago. 

I choose ti think of him as a "spiritual" teacher with a message of peace and love but that may be fanciful on my part. Bob
It's not fanciful, Bob. He is a good good Father, and Jesus is Him coming to this world, to redeem His Creation. But 'peace and Love' are just one facet of God... remember the Battle Hymn of the Republic and the Grapes of Wrath? That's from Revelation....
Now you say you don't believe 'verbatim' what has been said He said.. do you believe what Plato or Socrates said, and has that been a long time ago, also. If you do, then be aware there are only a couple documents related to each, and they are from Centuries later... not even original writings from them. We have some pretty good copies of the original writings of what the gospel accounts by the disciples of Jesus wrote, although None of them are original, but some do date back to the 1st century. So tell me, why, because it was a long time ago, and there is archaeological evidence of the writings being materially unchanged since within a hundred years after His death and Resurrection, don't Believe verbatim? (there are 22,000+ documents unearthed)

I am a Christian, but not fundamental or evangelical. I think everyone is right Christians, Jews and  non fundamental Muslims, Buddists.

His teachings and message is strong .  however I don't feel the need to impart my personal beleifs on others.

Glad you are a Christian, that is a Christ-follower. You don't have to sub-divide into any other denomination, as that is all there is. Man has made all the denominations.
And, you are partially correct, Bobby, although the buddhists can't really be called a proper 'religion', as their guy Buddha was the son of a King back in his country, and wanted to alleviate his people's sufferings, so he created the 'self annihilation' called Buddhism.
But, only God is totally right, we as men, are often wrong, and we get what He tells us wrong, to match our lifestyles, or what we want to justify. Religion is man made... God wanted a Relationship instead, and so that's what we do, is seek Him, and He said those who seek Me will find Me. As every Christian, Jew, and Muslim can and do trace their roots to Abraham and Adam, share all the same prophets, etc. they are Very close in their beliefs. Islam is the latest, and Jewish is the Oldest, being from the tribe of Judah. Christianity came from the Jewish faith, and is a part of their history, whether they believe that Jesus (Yeshua) is their Messiah or not. Jesus is from Jewish descent. They are God's chosen people, and even though they have been in rebellion to God, His promises to them will be seen someday by the remnant that God always has saved. I find it fascinating, that they Had God living and traveling with them in the Exodus from Egypt, and still had to rebel against Him. Then after the Jews returned to Jerusalem, there was a time of 400 years before Jesus, that they had not heard a peep from God, and yet they never knew the difference... went to the temple, read the prophets and the Torah, had their rituals, and went home after eating the sacrifice... kinda like today in the Christian church. People don't change, they are the same today as they were 2,000 years ago.
Now, as far as to impart your personal beliefs to others... How much would I have to hate someone, if I believed they were going to get hit by a truck, and didn't warn them that it was about to happen? I mean, there it is... barreling down upon them, and I don't tell them it's coming, but just go about my daily routine, and ignore the impending death speeding their way.  I wouldn't be much of a friend, or even a good person, would I?
So.... how much would I have to hate someone, to not tell them about Christ Jesus, and what He did to redeem them from being struck by the impending doom that awaits them? He took the rap for me, and you, and did it freely, and gladly, as He loves us so much. Anyway, glad we get to have this dialogue! There are some atheist with greater faith than those who believe in God, who can chime in also hehe...
1971 CB750K1 (newest bike), 1996 Royal Enfield 500 Bullet (therapy bike), 1981 Yamaha XV920RH, 2006 Kawasaki Concours (retirement bike), 1975 Yamaha RD350 (race bike), 1989 Honda VTR250 Interceptor (race bike), 1986 Kawasaki EX250 Ninja (race bike in progress), 1985 Honda Elite CH250, 1973 Yamaha GT1 80cc, 1974 Yamaha DT360 project bike.

The Only Thing Necessary for Evil to Triumph, is for Good Men to do Nothing.
Edmund Burke

All Things work together for good, for those who love God and are the Called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

Though He slay me, Yet will I trust Him...
Job 13:15
will you trust Him...?

Offline grcamna2

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Re: Christ Revealed Documentary Series available for viewing - DONE for now
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2018, 08:04:08 AM »
Do you think God really cares about me right now in my life today ?
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Offline Yamahawk

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Re: Christ Revealed Documentary Series available for viewing - DONE for now
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2018, 08:34:10 AM »
Do you think God really cares about me right now in my life today ?
One word.... YES.
He cares a lot, more than is humanly possible to fathom. He loves us even when we are and were unlovable...
1971 CB750K1 (newest bike), 1996 Royal Enfield 500 Bullet (therapy bike), 1981 Yamaha XV920RH, 2006 Kawasaki Concours (retirement bike), 1975 Yamaha RD350 (race bike), 1989 Honda VTR250 Interceptor (race bike), 1986 Kawasaki EX250 Ninja (race bike in progress), 1985 Honda Elite CH250, 1973 Yamaha GT1 80cc, 1974 Yamaha DT360 project bike.

The Only Thing Necessary for Evil to Triumph, is for Good Men to do Nothing.
Edmund Burke

All Things work together for good, for those who love God and are the Called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

Though He slay me, Yet will I trust Him...
Job 13:15
will you trust Him...?

Offline DurangoCB

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Re: Christ Revealed Documentary Series available for viewing - DONE for now
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2018, 09:08:39 AM »
I believe it is extremely likely that Jesus existed. 

There is only an infinitesimal chance that anyone has any idea what words he actually spoke, though the gist of his message surely came through and is likely very similar to the words of other prophets and heart-centered, sensitive, compassionate and charismatic individuals. 

There is a monumental chance that what has survived as his word has been endlessly distorted by men with either something to gain from it or who saw his message through their own personal filter, as we all do. 

I apologize for compulsively chiming in on this thread without having watched the series.  I would love to see it! 
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Re: Christ Revealed Documentary Series available for viewing - DONE for now
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2018, 09:33:28 AM »
Do you think God really cares about me right now in my life today ?
One word.... YES.
He cares a lot, more than is humanly possible to fathom. He loves us even when we are and were unlovable...

75' CB400F/'bunch o' parts' & 81' CB125S modded to a 'CB200S'
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Offline Yamahawk

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Re: Christ Revealed Documentary Series available for viewing - DONE for now
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2018, 10:17:21 AM »
I believe it is extremely likely that Jesus existed. 

There is only an infinitesimal chance that anyone has any idea what words he actually spoke, though the gist of his message surely came through and is likely very similar to the words of other prophets and heart-centered, sensitive, compassionate and charismatic individuals. 

There is a monumental chance that what has survived as his word has been endlessly distorted by men with either something to gain from it or who saw his message through their own personal filter, as we all do. 

I apologize for compulsively chiming in on this thread without having watched the series. I would love to see it!
I would love for you to see it also, it is pretty cool. Now as far as an infinitessimal chance, that chance would be from only those who actually heard Him speak, who lived with Him, and recorded in writings what He said. That was Matthew, Mark, Dr. Luke (who wrote the Book of Acts of the Apostles also), and John (who also wrote Revelation from the Isle of Patmos). Paul also had met Jesus, but on the road to Damascus, and had a life-changing event happen to him, that radically altered the Direction his life had been going... and Jesus taught Paul about the good news, and he spread it throughout the region of Asia Minor, after his own people (Jews) rejected the message of Christ Jesus being their long-awaited Messiah.
Now, these men did write down their recollections, faithfully, and even though there is a minor difference in what they recorded as seen and heard, expert cold-case detectives have examined the testimonies of each, and being atheists to begin with, determined that these witnesses were telling the truth. This resulted in them actually becoming Christ-followers themselves, as what they investigated using their knowledge of eye-witness testimonies caused them to understand it was the truth... that's pretty cool also.
Now there ARE men out there, even today, who want to distort and change the good news (Gospel) of Christ Jesus, and they start cults, and rewrite their own versions of the Bible... There are several. And, back in the 1st and 2nd centuries, there were writings that disputed the physical Resurrection of Jesus, and put forth 'magical' or mystic' attributions to Him. These are known as Gnostic Gospels. They bear names from some of the men and women who were with Jesus, but were written well after each of them had died. You see, without the Resurrection, there would be no hope for us. If we, as Paul said, are following something that is a lie, we are the most horribly lost people. There is so much that needs to be examined to give you Truth, not subjected to cursory or flippant browsing of the Word. And yes, it is an Act of God that it has been preserved in 98.5% accuracy today.
Glad you chimed in, brother!
1971 CB750K1 (newest bike), 1996 Royal Enfield 500 Bullet (therapy bike), 1981 Yamaha XV920RH, 2006 Kawasaki Concours (retirement bike), 1975 Yamaha RD350 (race bike), 1989 Honda VTR250 Interceptor (race bike), 1986 Kawasaki EX250 Ninja (race bike in progress), 1985 Honda Elite CH250, 1973 Yamaha GT1 80cc, 1974 Yamaha DT360 project bike.

The Only Thing Necessary for Evil to Triumph, is for Good Men to do Nothing.
Edmund Burke

All Things work together for good, for those who love God and are the Called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

Though He slay me, Yet will I trust Him...
Job 13:15
will you trust Him...?

Offline Yamahawk

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Re: Christ Revealed Documentary Series available for viewing - DONE for now
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2018, 10:24:24 AM »
Do you think God really cares about me right now in my life today ?
One word.... YES.
He cares a lot, more than is humanly possible to fathom. He loves us even when we are and were unlovable...

Oh man, you are most welcome! God bless you.
1971 CB750K1 (newest bike), 1996 Royal Enfield 500 Bullet (therapy bike), 1981 Yamaha XV920RH, 2006 Kawasaki Concours (retirement bike), 1975 Yamaha RD350 (race bike), 1989 Honda VTR250 Interceptor (race bike), 1986 Kawasaki EX250 Ninja (race bike in progress), 1985 Honda Elite CH250, 1973 Yamaha GT1 80cc, 1974 Yamaha DT360 project bike.

The Only Thing Necessary for Evil to Triumph, is for Good Men to do Nothing.
Edmund Burke

All Things work together for good, for those who love God and are the Called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

Though He slay me, Yet will I trust Him...
Job 13:15
will you trust Him...?

Offline Mr. Mike

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Re: Christ Revealed Documentary Series available for viewing - DONE for now
« Reply #22 on: April 21, 2018, 02:20:31 PM »
Welcome Bombermann, grcanma2 and Durango, answer to the “Biblical world, maps and missing continents” I suppose I’d have to say that at the times of these writings (Old Testement and New), the world and all the land masses were not discovered as we know today. There are plenty of maps which show the historical landscapes of the entire Middle East, which was their world, including Libya, Ethiopia and Russia. There are maps that’ll show how the land was divided to the twelve tribes of Israel (1200-1020BC) and other maps between that time and the time of Christ.

There are of course land/people references that I’m not sure who they are (Ezekiel 38:13-“young lions”), but certainly they are referring to a physical place. Using the New King James Bible, search the word “coastlands”. A ton of reference pointing to somewhere else on the globe rather than the ME. Let me add though, there are plenty of maps on the internet which have rewritten world history to present it with todays anti Semitic touch. The entire ME, except maybe Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia are calling for the complete destruction of the nation of Israel, currently lead by Turkeys Recep Erdogan. He’s actually calling for a 5 million man march to literally run over Israel in their “right of return” probably next month, which of course coincides with Israels 70th year celebration of its return to its homeland (May 15).
Anyway...maps of that time are available, but no real clear cut mention of the United States (young lions?) or Australia etc. Russia, possibly China are inclusive of the lands in the time of the 6th century era. So dig in.

*For those who are curious about just what the Bible says regarding salvation, world events from the Biblical world view, FAQ’s, please search the site “Rapture Ready”. Just about any question you might have will be answered there are your leisure. And there are plenty of solid Biblically based articles with todays social/cultural climate in mind.

“Does God really care about me right now in my life today”
Charlie answered that. The Bible declares, “Taste and see that the Lord is good”. You can gaze at that chocolate ice cream cone all day and not know just how good it is take it and try it.

I would imagine anyone who is asking the question has doubts about the here after, or how do I know God cares about anything, just look at the world...its a mess. The Bible also speaks at us. Example: “Today when you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts”.
OK, what’s with that? (Harden your heart). If your here, and truly are interested in dialog and learning, you’re gonna get Bible answers, when scripture is quoted, thats Gods Word being spoken to you, although it’s me saying it, or Charlie. Either way, when you hear it spoken, God is saying, “Listen, I know the thoughts I have towards you says the LORD, and plan of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). So YES God is interested in everyone as a creation of his.
“For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that (get this) WHOSOEVER believes on him would not perish but have everlasting life” john 3:16.
Again YES he’s interested in you. Actually it says He LOVES YOU right?

Note: a awful lot of people think they have to tidy up or clean up their lives before coming to God...ain’t gonna happen. If we could dolly ourselves up with perfume and make up and a new suit it wouldn’t make a difference. We come to Jesus Christ as we are...He is the one who transforms us from trash to treasure in His sight...not ours, by His power (the Bible) and get this...when we have accepted Gods gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, we are complete in Gods eyes. We inherit the righteousness required of God to stand before Him. Ive made a mess of my life, and still screw it up, still fall into sin, but I dont live my life practicing sin. Im ashamed when I do, and have to ask Gods forgiveness. And believe me, it’ll be that way till i die. (Read Romans 8:1 for the answer to that, but the book of Romans deals with our sinful fallen nature too. People say the Bible has been rewritten as to take away from its original content. If that were true, they forgot to edit out this book completely!)

We need to be so careful what we hear and believe today. As an example, the pope has openly said recently, there is no hell. All paths lead to God. This is categorically wrong. But look who it is saying it! Anti Bible, anti Christ is that teaching.

Finally friends, I leave you with this, the words of Jesus Christ;

“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and there are many who go in by it,
Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way that leads to life and there are few who find it” Matthew 27:13-14.

Again, thanks for joining and listening in.

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Re: Christ Revealed Documentary Series available for viewing - DONE for now
« Reply #23 on: April 23, 2018, 07:56:16 AM »
Spare the evangelization.
Do realize by 1200 bc, the tribes mention are 12,000 to 14,000 years LATE to discovering the northern lands.
The chronology of these stories literally fail to match up with the rest of the world.

Suggesting the cherokee people are jewish?  That divine wisdom formed their culture?  Occams razor would suggest there is a simpler, more plausible explanation to the cherokee peoples posession of kosher pottery.  Especially by 1000bc.  Several cultures had become sea-faring by then.  Kemosabe makes trade.

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Re: Christ Revealed Documentary Series available for viewing - DONE for now
« Reply #24 on: April 23, 2018, 08:00:14 PM »
Spare the evangelization.
Do realize by 1200 bc, the tribes mention are 12,000 to 14,000 years LATE to discovering the northern lands.
The chronology of these stories literally fail to match up with the rest of the world.

Suggesting the cherokee people are jewish?  That divine wisdom formed their culture?  Occams razor would suggest there is a simpler, more plausible explanation to the cherokee peoples posession of kosher pottery.  Especially by 1000bc.  Several cultures had become sea-faring by then.  Kemosabe makes trade.
It's hard to trade rock drawings in caves lol... or Basalt cliffs with 6ft. by 4 ft. carved Hebrew... and no, not suggesting that they are jewish, that would be from the tribe of Judah... I am suggesting that they are from a LOST tribe of Israel, which there were 12 of them to begin with, the 12 sons of Jacob, who was renamed it wasn't kosher pottery. The tribes of Jacob's sons split into Israel and Judah, and had different Kings... but, I understand what you are alluding to. Occams razor could cut both ways, BTW. You do understand that the indigenous people from this continent came across the land bridge from Asia? And that there is a tribe of Athabaskan Indians (Northern Canada) that speak the same language as the Hopi's or another Southwest tribe in the Arizona/New Mexico region, where the Hebrew Inscriptions in caves and Basalt cliff were discovered. This is a trail of their occupancy of this land... and it is documented by archaeologists who spent the time to dig it all up lol...
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The Only Thing Necessary for Evil to Triumph, is for Good Men to do Nothing.
Edmund Burke

All Things work together for good, for those who love God and are the Called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

Though He slay me, Yet will I trust Him...
Job 13:15
will you trust Him...?