I’d like to be challenged in my own Biblical worldview
Mind if I play?
Could start with a map. The biblical "world" neglects to mention a few continents.
Gotta play the field you're on I suppose.
Come on down...!

Ya know, the Hebrew word Adam means 'ruddy skinned man'... thats reddish hue. The Cherokee (who are ruddy skinned peoples) names for God are Yahweh and Yeshue... pretty close, if not identical to the Hebrew. There are some lost tribes of Israel, who came across the land bridge into this continent, and settled all across this north america, central america, etc... Now, how do I know that they were Hebrew? The 10 Commandments listed in the Bible, were found in the old 'stick' Hebrew writing, in cave paintings in the southwest by archaeologists. One was actually carved into the basalt rock of a cliff, and documented by a cavalry Captain on patrol in the Arizona Territory in the 1840's... 6 feet by 4 feet in size, and in Hebrew... it's pretty cool to see the evidence of the dispersion of the missing tribes of Israel, in this Continent.
Now, in the Natchez Trace, they have found Hebrew writing on pottery and stuff, from the indian tribes there, too. SO, they came to the east, also.
I believe he existed. I dont believe verbatim what has been said he said . It was a long time ago.
I choose ti think of him as a "spiritual" teacher with a message of peace and love but that may be fanciful on my part. Bob
It's not fanciful, Bob. He is a good good Father, and Jesus is Him coming to this world, to redeem His Creation. But 'peace and Love' are just one facet of God... remember the Battle Hymn of the Republic and the Grapes of Wrath? That's from Revelation....
Now you say you don't believe 'verbatim' what has been said He said.. do you believe what Plato or Socrates said, and has that been a long time ago, also. If you do, then be aware there are only a couple documents related to each, and they are from Centuries later... not even original writings from them. We have some pretty good copies of the original writings of what the gospel accounts by the disciples of Jesus wrote, although None of them are original, but some do date back to the 1st century. So tell me, why, because it was a long time ago, and there is archaeological evidence of the writings being materially unchanged since within a hundred years after His death and Resurrection, don't Believe verbatim? (there are 22,000+ documents unearthed)
I am a Christian, but not fundamental or evangelical. I think everyone is right Christians, Jews and non fundamental Muslims, Buddists.
His teachings and message is strong . however I don't feel the need to impart my personal beleifs on others.
Glad you are a Christian, brother...as that is a Christ-follower. You don't have to sub-divide into any other denomination, as that is all there is. Man has made all the denominations.
And, you are partially correct, Bobby, although the buddhists can't really be called a proper 'religion', as their guy Buddha was the son of a King back in his country, and wanted to alleviate his people's sufferings, so he created the 'self annihilation' called Buddhism.
But, only God is totally right, we as men, are often wrong, and we get what He tells us wrong, to match our lifestyles, or what we want to justify. Religion is man made... God wanted a Relationship instead, and so that's what we do, is seek Him, and He said those who seek Me will find Me. As every Christian, Jew, and Muslim can and do trace their roots to Abraham and Adam, share all the same prophets, etc. they are Very close in their beliefs. Islam is the latest, and Jewish is the Oldest, being from the tribe of Judah. Christianity came from the Jewish faith, and is a part of their history, whether they believe that Jesus (Yeshua) is their Messiah or not. Jesus is from Jewish descent. They are God's chosen people, and even though they have been in rebellion to God, His promises to them will be seen someday by the remnant that God always has saved. I find it fascinating, that they Had God living and traveling with them in the Exodus from Egypt, and still had to rebel against Him. Then after the Jews returned to Jerusalem, there was a time of 400 years before Jesus, that they had not heard a peep from God, and yet they never knew the difference... went to the temple, read the prophets and the Torah, had their rituals, and went home after eating the sacrifice... kinda like today in the Christian church. People don't change, they are the same today as they were 2,000 years ago.
Now, as far as to impart your personal beliefs to others... How much would I have to hate someone, if I believed they were going to get hit by a truck, and didn't warn them that it was about to happen? I mean, there it is... barreling down upon them, and I don't tell them it's coming, but just go about my daily routine, and ignore the impending death speeding their way. I wouldn't be much of a friend, or even a good person, would I?
So.... how much would I have to hate someone, to not tell them about Christ Jesus, and what He did to redeem them from being struck by the impending doom that awaits them? He took the rap for me, and you, and did it freely, and gladly, as He loves us so much. Anyway, glad we get to have this dialogue! There are some atheist with greater faith than those who believe in God, who can chime in also hehe...