Motorcycle battery is probably 14AH or 12AH. OP doesn't state what the f* he has. Hardly a surprise, I suppose.
So, the indefinite charge rate is 1/10 of rating (1/10C), which is 1.4 or 1.2 Amps. This is safe for Lead acid, (which the OP also doesn't regard as in any way important info, HA!) The 1/10C charge rate won't create too much electrolysis separating H and O from H2O (depending on ambient temperature, of course).
Lead acid batteries self discharge all by them selves at about 5% per month. 5% of 14AH is 0.7 A. So, a 150MA charge rate 10 Hours a day from Sunlight might just overcome (mostly equalize) self discharge characteristics. This rate, however, would be inconsequential relative to 25A or more starting motor current draw, and approximate 10-15 Amps electrical loads that most bikes have.
Then again there are theories that the flap of butterfly wings, can cause hurricanes hundreds of miles away. So, if you are an extreme optimist...And extremely susceptible to the green movement propaganda, you should really stick to your solar power cure all idealism and hopeful benefits, while you wait for the tow vehicle by the roadside.