The 1150 I rode belongs to a member on here, he only dragraced it.
He also has a 1080, and a 836.. single cam
When I let lighter guys on my 836, it would start to spin the tire, without dropping the clutch.
I think by nature a single cam should be a torquey motor. A 4 valve moves more more air as it revs higher, but I suspect at the expense of low end power. That was an explanation I got from an engineer type, but maybe it's not accurate. At any rate though, I realized that an SOHC could certainly make power inbthevrev range I usually rode in.
After the first Suzuki fours came out, The Japan 4 were in a hp race,the higher the hp, the easier to sell bikes. So they all built 4 valve motors, and bikes worked a bit different.
The 1150 certainly was a powerful bike. It's just not what I need given the local laws, my riding habits, nor do I want to look at one all the time.