Ok, been a bit since I posted on here. Got the bike back today. There is definitely a charging issue. My mechanic was running into the same problems. Check the voltage at the battery when running at around 7k, we were getting 12.04. The wiring of ricks rec/reg are as follows,
All yellows are connected to yellows from the stator
White is connected to White at the stator
Green is connected to green at stator (not green w/ red stripe)
Red is connected to POS at battery
Black is wired to AUX2 on the M-unit
The other green is wired to ground
I went ahead and metered the wires to the stator and yellow to yellow run between 0.7 to 1.2 ohm, which I know is to high. Also white to green, when disconnected from the rec/reg, are reading 10 ohms.
Any thoughts?
Bike runs really nice now though, as long as it has a fully charged battery