I recommend you ignore the demented one's highly imaginitive alternate reality comments in this matter.
I recommend to learn from your experience and also listen to others instead of
blindly following orders from maintenance scedules. You might learn something new.
They are compressed air back blown clean
Airfilter specialists discourage this practice. There's a danger of damaging the fibres. Tapping is all you may do to get rid of loose dust.
The blowby filter element should also be cleaned at those intervals. If you are lazy and don't clean it properly, it will indeed humidify the paper and increase restriction.
Well, well, well, it's the first time you admit this.
(Particularly if you have Deltas tiny inlet restrictor on the filter box for the 649 carbs (see second pic below) which increases the vacuum in the filter box way more than the US models happily deprived of that encumbrance.
It's not the first time I have to put it to you that my model the CB500
never had a recirculating system. It's also not the first time that I point out you keep on coming back to the airduct which seems an obsession for you. I don't wanna go in this again, it's useless and I suspect a mental condition is the real problem.
The recirculator feature is NOT a problem and never has been in my 40 plus years of operation, IF I keep the recirculator element clean and dry. It really helps to understand the system operation and it's needs. Though some are clearly incapable of doing so.
Dealers here thought otherwise but what did they know? They should autistically have stayed with the scedule instead of learning from what they saw in practice.
The alluded Honda shop manual reference was an aberration of the 76 model in an attempt to placate the EPA's exhaust sniffer test of hydrocarbons, instead dumping the carcinogenic hydrocarbons directly into the air, rather than burning them (incompletely). The practice was one year only when the EPA realized Honda's chicanery.
Good Lord, how do you know all this? Have you talked to the EPA? To Honda?
Flatlander, I can't judge why your airfilter element had to be renewed after only 10k. It would be interesting for you to see how far a genuine filter goes with the breather tube detached from the air intake. A warning in general: some people wash their bike without care and water gets into the airfilter.
My own experience genuine filters go a long way (around 18k easily). Everyone can test this for himself. As soon as the airfilter becomes restrictive, you will notice it: performance will be less and so will be the fuel economy. You can smell it to. It's no big thing.
And as far as the mammals (oh dear, oh dear) I ride my bicycle whenever I can and I save my motorcycle for longer rides out of town.