Actually I was 28 but,, well, I'm still denying my age. I bought a 1984 Fuji 12 speed road bike this week, that's how much I'm fighting it off. It's surprising how much faster it is than my mountain bike.
Don, I have a Trek MultiTrack and I put tires that were more textured than the typical slick of a road tire. I never realized how much harder it was making me work until I put a set of slicks of a typical 10/12 speed road bike on it. I was riding with a group training for Tour de Tucson but had to drop out because of plantar Fasciatis (misspelled) and microtears in the achilles tendon caused by a big spur in my right ankle. Had a 95-98% achilles rupture(tear) in '09 18 months after having to quit the team. Only thing left of achilles was outer sheath of tendon... it took 18 months to quasi- recover from that injury caused by a trip and fall (toes of right leg never left ground causing hyper-abduction of toes towards shin.) Stupid injury...
Able to achieve much higher speed and keep up with the team after switching. The increased drag I was putting myself through was overstressing the achilles as I was bigger bear than typical. It was helpful from a metabolicapproach but that inflammation it triggered led to some painful rehab and the concervative surgeons fixing it avoided fixing the source of the trigger causing the microtear. Had had trouble for well over 6-8 years prior and had a large osteochondroma removed from my ankle joint when my ankle had reconstructive surgery in '01 due to broken ankle and massive soft and connective tissue damage in '84 . Yeah, right ankle & right side have had a tough life...
Cliff, your meet and greet would make for a fabulous vacation trip, but too far from here.