Chewy, your from Syracuse correct? I’m from outside of Niagara Falls. What taxes are hurting you the most? Just curious. Our city and school taxes are crazy. I would like to move back to the Adiroundacks, where I was born. Both the wife and I are retired. But wife, says kids are here, so here we stay.
I am not bragging but we have much higher taxes down here in Westchester County. It is not uncommon for people to pay $20-24K in tax a year. Somehow they do it and houses sell for big money.
The property and school taxes are keep going up on and up. Not 20 to 24k but when the average person only makes 30k a year here paying 5 to 7k in property tax on a small house is high.
I think the Adirondacks might have cheaper tax? I really don't know. It is a county by county town by town thing here.
As a percentage of home value upstate NY is some of the highest.
Paying 5% of your homes value each year is too much for the average person.
Only a small percentage of the people here make 60k a year. Less than 20%.
I don't mind paying tax, but the kids the schools are turning out are just plain stupid.
They can barely read, write and do basic math upon graduation from high school, and college is just a 4 year party.
Since the net came and information is virtually free colleges have really had to pander to kids wants and desires.
A is the most common grade now in college.
They really are that dumb.