I am a copywriter which means I write Ads. So some place with some creative type people would be great!
Montana is a great place to live, if you can find work there. The population is small, the country is Big (Big Sky Country) and the riding is phenomenal.
Now, there are sites on the internet that will aid you in finding a job, you have been given two that will help you Find a job, but there are demographics available for each area that your job skills are needed. That would help you decide which area may be best suited for your skills and needs. If you think New York has high taxes, try California, or Seattle area... they will bankrupt you, unless you can make 6 figures, and high up in that range. Do your homework carefully, and diligently. Property taxes, sales taxes, and registration for vehicles are the three things that I would research.
New Mexico is a great state too. And, if you like foreign countries, Costa Rica can be afforded on Social Security lol... and live like a King. But stay away from Mexico, at least 90% of it. As one comedian once said, move to Mexico, and 6 months later New Mexico will look good to ya...
I live in Toledo, and its a pretty nice city, there is a lot to offer, and a good place to raise kids, at least for the most part. They are improving it every year... now if we could stop the pothole population from increasing... that would be nice.
Oh, and I lived in Port Huron in the late '70's, and it's a nice city too.