Author Topic: New neutral switch O-Ring seating  (Read 567 times)

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Offline TheArchitect

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New neutral switch O-Ring seating
« on: May 23, 2018, 06:19:29 PM »
Read about these as best I could with the search.

Got a new genuine honda O-ring,18x3 from partizlla.

Placed it into the recess in the case first, with a little oil on it.

Pressed the switch in, lightly tapped with a hammer on a socket about the same size as the switch till it set all the way in.

Installed the clip and bolt.

As I tight end down on the bolt and clip, it is almost coking the switch to one side, under the clip, which makes sense since it is only compressing the Oring under the clip, but is this going to be fine?

Is it more of a seal on the perimeter rather than compression? Should I loosen up on the bolt?

The switch is the original honda switch from the bike.

1978 CB550
1975 CB750

Offline piefairy

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Re: New neutral switch O-Ring seating
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2018, 06:58:14 PM »
My understanding of the neutral switch and its O ring is that its seal more than anything. As long as you don't leak oil, and it functions correctly you are good. I am stuck just trying to figure out how the F$#k to get my retaining bolt off... I will be trying a torch tomorrow...