Hello all,
I have a K5 and have begun case disassembly to replace primary chains, seals, and bearings. I have encountered a problem and require advice from the technical staff.
Under the gear shift plate is a part called the "Gear shift side plate". In my Honda manual on page 46 figure 3-70, item 3, you see the plate is held on with a hex nut. My plate is held on with a large Phillips head screw that has been punched at the factory to prevent if from backing out. The Clymer manual on page 96, fig. 69 shows my installation. It does not show the punch marks. Should I drill the marks, much like I would wheel bearing retainers? The plate is approximately .160 thick and would tolerate a little drilling. Is there another way to proceed?
Thanks for any advice or constructive criticism.
I tried to post a picture and it keeps divining me an error. I tried reducing the size of the image without any luck. I will try again. The engine is upside down in the photo.