I agree that a woman has the right to choose what happens to their own bodies, and that includes the choice to have sex whether it is unprotected or to use contraception...
However... a child has their Own body, therefore, a baby in the womb isn't the Mother's Body anymore, it is a unique, independent body that lives within the Mother's body. To carry the logic of being able to kill another human being that lives inside your body isn't at all logical, but illogical. It is rationalization of the inconvenience of having the responsibility to use contraception or protection of some kind when a couple has sex.
Now I understand that there are circumstances where rape, incest, and the like occur. Abortion in no way diminishes the trauma of those actions, but actually adds to it, by killing the product of such crimes, creating a post-traumatic stress and guilt in those who go through such a procedure.
We could envision mothers not wanting their children even after they were born, and then they do give them up for adoption... would the logic say it is correct to kill an already born child because the mother didn't want them? I mean, they came from the mother's body. We do know that it is not right to kill a born child, yet we are ok with the death of an unborn child... if the mother says so.
I think that adoption is the answer in all the cases where a mother doesn't want their baby.
And Kev, thank for bringing this up. We have an abortion clinic just 6 blocks down from me here in Toledo, and they are packed with young mothers who are killing their unborn children. I prefer to not call an unborn child a 'fetus' or 'tissue', as this is what those potential mothers are told their baby is, dehumanizing the existence of their child to where they can allow them to be killed.
PASS, or Post Abortion Stress Syndrome, is the same as PTSD. It occurs in a LARGE percentage of women and young girls who go through an abortion. The same things are still being told to the woman about their unborn child...
This link is a little dated, but still relevant, as people don't change, just their circumstance does.
http://www.dianedew.com/trauma.htmSome good info and quotes from former Surgeon General, Dr. C. Everett Koop also...
http://www.abort73.com/abortion/post_abortion_syndrome/I see pro abortion protests there at the clinic and it is amazing to look at signs that state "I have a right to my own box" referring to their womb, or vagina lol. And the woman is right. They have a right to their own Body. The scenario changes when they become pregnant, though... as now there is an independent body living within their own body... and they have a responsibility to make sure that person within them is protected... just like a Mother has the responsibility to take care of the children they bring into this world.