Author Topic: List of Participants RIDING the SOHC4 Rally Across America, Canada, and Beyond  (Read 8126 times)

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Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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           SOHC4 Relay Across America and Canada - Listing of Participants

PM me if you wish to participate. Include your area and the areas you might be able to ride. I'd like to have an email if you aren't linked and I'd like to include your name (or part such as John B) if permissable. Please contact the Regional Coordinator for your area once you are on the list.

List of RIDERS and Others:

336. W H O' S  N E X T  ? ? ?

336. cben750f0 - Ben - Cairns QLD - Team Australia
335. Dingo - Goondiwindi Qld - Team Australia
334. Wobblerfist - Will H - Melbourne - Team Australia
333. Scott - Sydney, AU - Team Australia
332. Mutters - Jeff - Wagga Wagga, NSW, AU - Team Australia
331. ImPALEr - Joel Kucera - Team Northern
330. Short shins - Mike T - New Zealand - Team New Zealand
329. WLorix - Wes Lorix - Livingston, MT - Team Northern
328. Nate In Minnesota 750FourK - Nate - Austin, MN - Team Northern
327. jkkidd01 - Team Michigan
326. ekpent - Eric Pratt - Kalamazoo, MI - Team Michigan
325. Tree - John Jameson - Nashua, NH - Team New England
324. Groover - Armidale, NSW, Australia - Team Australia
323. Don Alan - Team Eastern Canada
322. Mae Alan - Team Eastern Canada
321. Pat Dombrowski - Team Eastern Canada
320. Allan N - Allan Newby - Team Eastern Canada
319. Kevin D - Kevin Dolin - Livonia, MI - Team Michigan
318. Vampire - Bathurst - NSW, AU - Team Australia
317. rockvegas400 - Justin - Rockhampton, QLD, AU - Team Australia
316. Hummbug - Melbourne, AU - Team Australia
315. Kwality - Leigh - Perth, AU - Team Australia
314. buk_tony - Team Eastern Canada
313. routs - Adelaide, AU - Team Australia
312. latheboy - Melbourne, AU - Team Australia
311. 750goes - Charlie - Penrith, NSW, AU - Team Australia
310. Dave500 - Madgeerab? - Dave, what's your info?
309. Frostyboy - Owen F -Greenbank, Queensland, AU - Team Australia 
308. Curveball - Tom Ford - Team Eastern Canada
307. Bobbofresh - Ron Maggs - Team Eastern Canada
306. Magnum56 - Mark - Redford, MI - Team Michigan
305. TrueBlue - Qld, AU - Team Australia
304. Maduncle - AU - Team Australia
303. Mick7504 - Mick - Darwin, NT, Australia - Team Australia Coordinator
302. CB750F2 - Pat - Burdekin - Qld, AU - Team Australia
301. Skamagedon - Jonathan - Sun Prairie, WI - Team Northern
300. HondanutRider - Bob - Toronto - Team Easterrn Canada
299. Retro Rocket - Brisbane, Australia - Team Australia
298. Rich361 - Chriist Church, New Zealand - Team New Zealand
297. Scunny - New Zealand - Team New Zealand
296. Terry in Australia - Terry Prendergast - Melbourne, AU - Team Australia
295. Hush - Rick Hicks - Team Coordinator/Leader for Team New Zealand
294. jawntybull - Sydney, Australia - Team Australia
293.TrueBlue - QLD, Australia - Team Australia
292. Grasscutter - Zac Robbins - Omaha, NB - Team Northern
291. Green_Manalishi - Bill Egly - Team Michigan - Going to Hell then KZoo and back  ;)
290. Artsqu - Art - Team Michigan
289. David 750F - David Tasi - Toronto - Team Eastern Canada
288. Bankerdanny - Dan Palmer - Team Central and Team Michigan
287. DJ_AX - Vincent Cocciolone - Team Michigan
286. Alan F. - Haverhill, MA - Team New England
285. Pinhead - Doug Ptacek - Kansas City, MO - Team Central Rockies
284. Vance - Robbinsdale, MN - Team Northern
283.  Bud R - Brother of Don R - IL - Team Central
282. 73nancy - Oxford, ME - Team New England
281. stanton.samuel - Jamestown, RI - Team New England
280. AndrewCola - Boston - Team New England
279. rtocco - Madison, WI - Team Northern
278. mttlit - Martensville, SK - Team Northern
277. cb350twin - Danny Edens - Davenport, IA - Team Central (and Northern perhaps?)
276. c(b)hris - Pittsburgh - Team Mid Atlantic
275. Eric - Deceptibong - Lincoln, NB - Team Northern
274. westondc - Wes Mantooth - Omaha - Team Northern
273. pilotguy1050 - Wayne - Cedar Rapids, IA - Team Northern
272. Philly550K1 - Jon - Philadelphia - Team Mid Atlantic
271. turkey4me - Doug - Yakima, WA - Team Pacific Northwest
270. BigKO - Ken O'Shea - Newport, RI - Team New England
269. Dvalcourt - Quebec City - Team Eastern Canada
268. Spades - dayton, OH - Team Central
267. blue72beetle - Fort Wayne, IN - Team Central
266. bzr - Shrewsbury, MA - Team New England
265. Jacksonc - College Station, TX - Team Southwest
264. Gane - Boulder, CO - Team Central Rockies
263. Hope - Baton Rouge - Team Southeast
262. anthony - Petersborough, ON - Team Eastern Canada
261. buk_tony -  Tony - Toronto area - Team Eastern Canada
260. jkidd01 - Team Michigan
259. Steve F - Chicago - Team Central
258. my78k - Dennis - Whitby, ON - Team Eastern Canada
257. Magnaman - Lexington, KY - Team Southeast
256. Gordon - Baffle man - Plano, TX - Team Southwest
255. dmill78 - Beaumont, TX - Team Southwest
254. wheelipop - Peter - Seattle - Team Pacific Northwest
253. m00ntan - Baltimore - Team Mid Atlantic
252. GJ Steve - Grand Junction, CO - Team Central Rockies
251. charlevoix418 - Raynald Tremblay - Quebec - Team Eastern Canada
250. Fatmatt650 - Matt - Team California  
249. Slow2 - Ed - Birmingham, AL - Team Southeast
248. absnaqvi - Aimes, IA - Team Northern
247. Mooshie - Santa Barbara, CA - Team California
246. bbcb750 - Mike S - Philadelphia - Team Mid-Atlantic
245. ckramlic - Jamestown, ND - Team Northern
244. cb550fcafe - KDI - Colchester, CT - Team New England
243. Motofist - Josh Skinner - Idaho Falls, ID - Team Pacific Northwest
242. mk2jettavr6 - Shelton, CT - Team New England
241. motocyconomad - Houston- Team Southwest
240. DrWatsonII - Omaha, NE - Team Northern
239. accolay - Twin Cities - Team Northern
238. Chester345 - Omaha, NB - Team Northern
237. larecords - Larry Dakin - Ottawa - Team Eastern Canada
236. aaronrkelly - south central Iowa - Team Northern
235. Doggie - Doug - Long Island, NY - Team Mid Atlantic
234. milunchbox - Team Michigan
233. jay_m - Boston - Team New England
232. Mickey6 - michael Cordz - Team Pacific Northwest
231. kap384 - Calgary, AB - The missing link! - Team Pacific Northwest
230. cafe550 - Sioux Falls, SD - Team Northern
229. mayor08 - Chicago - Team Central and Team Northern
228. the architect - Houston, TX - Team Southwest
227. mjstone - Mark Stone - Team Michigan
226. pg13 - Mike Gettes - Team Central
225. John Van Dam - Fargo, ND - Team Northern
224. tomsweb1 - Edmonton, AB - SK to Calgary - Team Pacific Northwest
223. donnyb60 - Castleton, VT - Team New England
222. Irutt - Florida - Kick off leg rider along with madmtnmotors - Team SE Coastal
221. cbrrudy- Michael Wencl - Minneapolis - Team Northern
220. nikbristow - Austin, TX - Team Southwest
219. dragon79 - Adam Dragon - Cummington, MA - Team New England
218. JamesB - Topeka, KS - Team Central Rockies
217. Brandotheamazing - San Francisco - Team California
216. TPColgett - Tyler - San Francisco - Team California
215. john stueve - San Francisco - Team California
214. modzsquad - Cincinnati - Team Central
213. masterchief750 - Toledo - Team Central and Team Michigan
212. Glenn Stauffer - OUR ADMIN - Millport, PA - Team Mid Atlantic Region
211. matthew gabrielse - Denver - Team Central Rockies
210. goaarongo - Austin, TX - Team Southwest
209. DarcyCB400F - Darcy Shier - Calgary, AB - Team Pacific Northwest
208. Kanticoy - Kiley - Birmingham, AL - Team Southeast
207. dna_level_c7 - Cleveland - Team Central
206. Roach - Stuart - Vancouver, BC - Team Pacific Northwest - b.c lowermainland section
205. Rocker - Adam - Atlanta - Team SE Coastal
204. j4hfr34k - Cody - MS - Team Southeast - Nashville possibly to Dallas
203. Fuzzball - Paul I - Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan - Team MI 
202. hesselfuzz - Greg - Sante Fe - Ride through NM - Team Southwest
201. Coke - Van Buren, AR - Team Southeast - Hot Springs to OK
200. Newc - Howard Newcomb - Denver - Team Central Rockies
199. Strawhouse - Muskoka, ON - Team Eastern Canada
198. winnipeg550guy - Manitoba - Team Northern
197. CoyoteUSP - Kyle - Dallas - Team Southwest
196. Splitt - Pender, NEB - Team Northern
195. bord0080 - Sioux Falls, SD - Team Northern - North to Canada from Omaha
194. Skonnie Boy - Chicago - Team Central
193. Nick@lockitup -Warrenton, OR - Portland area - Team Pacific Northwest
192. fpcb750er - Cleveland - Team Central
191. Steve-O - Austin'ish, TX - Team Southwest
190. Dyskord - Austin, TX - Team Southwest
189. Fabricator - Chris Milligan - Gainesville, Georgia - Team SE Coastal and Team SE
188. KillerCanary - Vonda, SK - Team Northern & Team PNW
187. RippinSVT - St Louis - Team Central
186. hondaface75 - Manchester, NH - Team New England
185. Lights Out - Don M - Vancouver - Team Pacific Northwest
184. Ringo - Bozeman, MT - Team Pacific Northwest (maybe)
183. 78 k550 - Paul - Denver - Team Central Rockies
182. Ilbikes - Gordon - SC, NC, GA corner - Team SE Coastal & Team SE
181. CVilleChopper - James - Charlottesville, VA - Team SE Coastal
180. BikerBart - N.W. WA near BC - Team Pacific Northwest Regional Coordinator
179. yo2001 - Birmingham, AL - Team Southeast
178. jakecb420 - Pittsburgh - Team Mid Atlantic
177. Revskid - Paul H - Regina, SK - Team Northern Region
176. CBJoe - Joe - Indianapolis, IN - Team Central Region
175. silverback - Chris - Lexington, KY - Team Southeast
174. solo 2 - Edmonton, AB - may be able to ride - Team PNW
173. charlevoix418 - Raynald - Quebec City - Team Eastern Canada
172. MadMtnMotors - Wilbur Mummey - Saint Cloud, FL - Team SE Coastal and LEAD OFF RIDER 
171. Wohali - Joan Touzet - Toronto - Team Eastern Canada
170. Axehole54's lady - Regina, SK - Team Northern
169. Axehole54 - Travis Reitmeier - Regina, SK - Team Northern
168. Shelby Johnson - KZ1000 Denver's Chopper - Team CA, AZ, NV
167. Keyelynn Johnson - kayjohn - CB750 Denver's Chopper - Team CA, AZ, NV
166. Jim Davis - JD - CB750 Denver's Chopper - Team CA, AZ, NV
165. Troy Hann - huricanhan - CB750 Denver's Chopper - Team CA, AZ, NV
164. Mike Lipker - steroid - CB750 Denver's Chopper - Team CA, AZ, NV
163. Ray Kundysek - CB750 Denver's Chopper - Team CA, AZ, NV
162. Ken Scott - kscottHD - CB750 Denver's Chopper - Team CA, AZ, NV
161. Jim Stephens - Chopper Jim - CB750 Denver's Chopper - Team CA, AZ, NV
160. HondaMan - Mark Paris - Denver - Team Central Rockies
159. Boner - Ontario - Team Eastern Canada
158. Gnat - David Morris - N Mississippi - Team South East - Jackson, MS to Nashville 
157. JohnRDupree - Augusta, GA - Team SE Coastal - Columbia, SC to Cherokee, NC
156. Reno @ - Rickie Godsey - W. TN - Team Southeast
155. Jag - Jonathan - Nashville - Team Southeast
154. Radam - Adam -NW Arkansas - Team Southeast
153. 736cc - Andy -Long Island, NY - Team Mid Atlantic
152. CBowers - Chad - Columbia, SC - Team SE Coastal
151. Joren Love - Portland - Team PNW Region
150. Sam750A - Fargin England - Team SE/SE Coastal
149. Bluezboy - Vern - Stone Mountain, GA - Teams SE Coastal and SE
148. timdhawk - Billings, MT - Team PNW
147. trprbill of - Canton, OH ride and a place to stay
146. bowswell - Montreal - Team Eastern Canada
145. poboy - Huntsville/TN - a couple hundred miles each direction - Team Southeast
144. cootschop - Manitoba - rider
143. taxiscooter - Terry - Tulsa, OK - OK and some Ark - Team Southwest and Southeast
142. kck3 - E. KS and W. MO - Team Central Rockies and Team Central
141. DH - MO - Team Central - KC eastward
140. Bob Wessner - MI - Team Michigan
139. Blueridgerunner - Blue Ridge Pkwy in Virginia
138. DHall57 - Dwight Hall - North Carolina
137. FunJimmy - Vancouver, BC
136. Swellguy - Kerry Swartz - Vancouver/Victoria, BC
135. Imjustanumber11 - Denver - you're in!
134. BaldGuy - dayton, OH - Team Central Region
133. SMPLS70 - Chris - Minneapolis - ride and a couple couches for others
132. RAFster122s - David - Sierra Vista, AZ - NM/AZ border (Duncan) westward - Team CA & Team SW
131. Wiskey - Denver - Team Central Rockies
130. MidTNJasonF - Team Southeast - Mid-TN to Birmingham etc
129. Ryani - Mitchell, SD - Team Northwest Region - about time we got a SD boy! Where are the other guys from SD & ND??
128. 750 - Tom Peine - Hastings, MN - Team Northern
127. spikeybike - Team Central - Milwaukee to Chicago 
126. jpswino - MI - Team Michigan
125. beaniam - Team Mid Atlantic
124. asphaltwarrior - Leonard - Team Mid Atlantic
123. myhondas - Ray - Cleveland Rock N Roll Hall of Fame - Patch, Decal, T Shirt designer to the stars   
122. SRust58 - Steve Rust - Minn 
121. Brooze72 - Ontario - ride east of Toronto
120. GRH_AV8R - Graeme - Ontario rider with some possible air to ground pictures and videos - WOW  :o
119. fastbroshi - Team Southwest - "flying" all the way to San Diego
118. Drummer - Dennis Fogerty from HondaChopper & now SOHC4 - E. MO   
117. Amie - Denver - CO -she's taken boys - refer to rider #116  ;)
116. d3buttz - Denver - CO and place to crash and wrench
115. Ichiban4 - CO
114. Raef - Mark - IN & W. OH
113. SOHC4 Digger - IL
112. CBGhia - Dallas - OK City to Dallas
111. Tango 911 - Indy
110. Freaky1 - CO
109. BlackHog02 - Team SE Coastal
108. 033A2 - Ken - Keene, NH - MA - VT
107. Wick - SoCal
106. singedebile - Philadelphia
105. Eydugstr - Doug - KC - W.KS to MO handoff
104. kslrr - Dan - Vegas to Orange County
103. BGFootball67 - Ed - Columbus, OH - OH
102. geminimotors - Mike T - Oakland, CA - mid coast to San Fran and beyond - flop house and garage facilities
101. shoemaniii - VT - shop and tools available
100. Climbingaz - Shawn Swenson - AZ
99. tlbranth - WA - long coastal stretches out west and inland
98. jneuf - Winnipeg - Manitoba
97. GSX69bun - ??
96. WeekendJunkie - NNJ into Times Square
95. Medic09 - NM
94. DB22 - Dave Burch - WI & MN
93. CookinDaddy - Toronto - Ontario - Niagra Falls - Into Detroit? north of the lakes and whatever else he wants to do
92. OneWheelDrive - San Diego - SoCal
91. SCondon - Sean - NorCal (SanFran area) and Oregon
90. Popwood - Steve Shanesy - OH & KY
89. Dustreel Revlooshun Crabcake - Vermont - North of NYC to Maine/New Brunswick border
88. kpier883 - Kirk Pierce - Alabama
87. Heffay - Colorado
86. Flybox1 - Portland to BC
85. Grumpy - central California - say from Monterey to Livermore
84. Bollingball - E NC and the Blue Ridge Parkway
83. Johnie - Oshkosk, WI - Team Northern
82. Dave the Welder - 1 hour north of Detroit
81. Shenanigans - AZ border to border - whole state or maybe 2
80. SocalEnduro - San Diego to LA
79. MarkCB750 - NC to TN
78. Anders288 - New Hampshire & possibly New England
77. Tweakin - PNW - N. OR to Vancouver
76. IndustrialTuner13 - New Hampshire "IF"
75. Operator - Jason - News Brunswick - YESSSSSSSS!! Canada is filling in
74. Japanese Industrial Standard Schmthaus - Brazil, IN - IL & IN
73. joerizzoO - Indiana and a place to stay
72. Gregimotis - Greg Sower - Sante Fe, NM - NM - E. AZ - S. CO - W. OK
71. Duanob - Seattle
70. Justin Carthel - Lubbock, TX - -Lubbock to NM and beyond
69. Old Scrambler - Dennis - WI - Team Northern Regional Coordinator
68. Gearheadgreg - RI
67. flybox1 - WA
66. Stevenarrow - BC and Pacific NW to Alberta
65. GregK - S. BC - N. ID - MT also offered housing
64. SuperPastyWhiteGuy - Dave Moeny - DC - 300mi radius of DC, MD, PA, NY, WV, VA, NH, etc
63. Teknojeffy - Jeff - Minnesota - looks like there may be a party up there at this rate 
61. Scottly - Arizona - YES!! Now I have to flip my road atlas over to the somewhat neglected left half
60. DavePhipps - Indiana
59. Campbmic - Dallas - Dallas to OK and back. Place for riders to stay.
58. MyGunsBigger - Daytona 200 to Savannah to start us off!!
57. Bluto - Bill Skinner - Georgia
56. AlanShively - Dallas
55. TinTop - Brian - Ontario
54. Bender01 - Ben Frazer - Savannah, Charleston to Columbia, SC
53. Wardenerd - eastern NC
52. RickRR - Quebec
51. Paulages - where/what I lost track
50. Lavis500 - Copperas Cove, TX (Ft. Hood) - TX
49. Patricke9 - Pacific Northwest
48. Photolar - Larry Moulder - Philadelphia - lodging and ride in the Philly area
47. Whaleman- Dan Whalen - Davenport, IA - either/both directions
46. Joe29 - Joe - LA to San Fran
45. Jordan - SLC - Wendover to SLC -road service SLC N to Idaho
44. Nikkisixx - SC to TN
43. Ofam - Sean - Colorado
42. Tugboat - Josh - Nashville - TN
41. Fasturd - WI to - Minneapolis to IO to SD
40. Domer - Danny Seibert - possible greatly discounted hotel rooms in San Fran
39. DonR - couple states around IL (MO - IL - IN perhaps?)
38. Ryan6838 - AL beginning April 2011 until ?
37. Rat Racer - Upper Peninsula, MI
36. Trav-i - Travis Thur - Gainsville, Georgia - Team SE Coastal & Team SE
35. Brown Bomber - Allen -Cinncinnati, OH - OH east toward PA
34. Ofreen - the highest mileage F on the road - US50/I-80 in NV and/or ID on the return leg - most excellent dude
33. Brian77cb750 - Lindale, TX - LA to OK to TX
32. fmctm1sw - aka alphabet   - Pensacola, FL to points unknown   
31. ProTeal 55 - Chicageo - ride or support in a CHERRY 55 Chevy - "just tell him what we need"
30. IndyFour - Chris - Indy - IL to OH
29. mcuozzo - Matt - E. PA - N. NJ - NY- NYC - CT ride or support vehicle
28. JTB - John Baldridge - Alabama
27. Bluegreen - Chris - Vancouver - Looking good in BC boys!
26. Richard Hykawy - all or part of Manitoba
25. ZZPete - Pete Rundle - Chicago support crew 100 miles each direction
24. Seanbarney41 - Kalamazoo, MI - midwest - place to crash
23. Nortstudio - Scott Norton - NYC
22. Tripps - Chris K - W. NY, E. OH, W. PA to NYC, S. Ontario - Team Michigan
21. ZanVooden - Dave VanZuiden - Minn/St Paul south towards/into Iowa
20. MCRider - Indianapolis area - IL east to OH or parts therof. (Mine ain't running yet either - plenty of time maybe but as you said, a beater for parts or your next project. Should be plenty avail in INDY or Lou, KY area
19. Mr Breeze - Modesto area (N or S) to Reno, NV etc (towards UT to follow the "plan")
18. Grnrngr - Pacific coast areas of CA- OR - WA - hand off to 754 aka Frank on US97 at Osoyoos, WA on the border with BC
17. BobbyR - Metamoris, NY to NYC then to Connecticut
16. Photolar - Larry - Philadelphia, PA to Metamoris at junction of NJ, PA, and NY
15. Spanner1 - Nashville to Memphis
14. BruceDeuce - Bruce - Central New Jersey - the length of New Jersey
13. Asom - SC, NC, TN, VA
12. Apex Seeking - Denver - Is totally down to ride
11. 754 - Frank - British Columbia - Hope, BC to Vancouver or to Seawebs place on Gabriola
10. KSmith0034 - Kevin Smith - Columbus, OH 100 miles in both/either directions
9.  BWaller - Brent Waller - New England to eastern Ontario
8.  Goofaroo - OK City area (Edmond) 100 miles either/both directions (but bike may not be done)
7.  Jerry Griffin - Colorado areas - UT - KS
6.  MYCB750K6 - aka Rocketman - SoCal to AZ/NM
5.  GammaFlat - John Banaszak - NW Indiana - Rider or Support vehicle (Good Idea) 100 miles in either/both directions
4.  Old School Is Cool - Lower Michigan around Lansing - Volunteered to be a Regional Coordinator - GOOD IDEA
3.  O5c5O - Paul Gabor - Pittsburgh area - can do all PA or part, east OH  &/or northern WV
2.  Zaipai - Scott - Milwaukee to the Illinois state line
1.  Drones 76 - Jon - offered to coordinate around Charlotte and the Blue Ridge Parkway

 ??  who's next
« Last Edit: January 27, 2012, 12:14:59 PM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)