For the 750 5k ohm caps is recomended and factory stock for US models. Although some models (Canadian) came with 5k caps AND resistor spark plugs.
The resistors wave shape the spark impulse signal. This does two things beneficial. One, it reduces radiated emission radio frequency interference from the spark lead wires. And two, it simultaneously lengthens the spark event duration, which it good for combustion reasons.
The latter part of TT's remark is an hypothesis. It's his and has remained unproven. In the first part he's undoubtedly right and a resistance (normally between 5 and 7kΩ) is also good to prevent premature erosion at the sparkplug's electrodes. Honda France suggests (documented)
not to have more than 8kΩ in total and that goes for
any CB
Four model. That's all we know for a fact. Canada may have had stricter rules. We don't know. I don't have good results with resistor spark plugs. On my desk the four X24ESR-U that were fitted for not even 7000 km. Here are the readings in kΩ: 7,8 7,9 6,9 and 8,5. They were not even 5kΩ when new, so resistance has increased considerably. I was warned by the dealer
not to use them, but I, stubbornly had to put it to the test. Some people think resistance is something special when it's in a trivial electronic component like a resistor. I'm not one of them. My conclusion: stay away from
R(esistor)plugs and forget about unproven claims.