I was recently contacted by a buddy that I've done a little trading with. He was giving me first dibs on a '72 Honda CL175 on which he is throwing in the towel. Initially, I declined. Too many irons in the fire.
The bike is a nice looking little twin that he went through a couple of years ago. Tank lined, new petcock, sorted the brakes, tires, etc. He actually had it running and said it ran well.
Then the seemingly impossible happened: He lost spark in the RH cylinder. That, technically, shouldn't be possible on a Honda 175 twin.
He says he's tried everything; different plugs, coils, points, etc. Even had a guy that used to race CB350 twins take a look at it and he proclaimed "This isn't possible".
He drained the gas and oil and it has sat for two years. Complete, titled, once running bike. Now with a dead battery and a mystery "No Spark" in one hole issue.
After he got dicked around a bit when trying to sell it, he told me "Make and offer and I'll even deliver". I did, he accepted, I take delivery around Tuesday. I have yet to actually put my hands on it.
I will first check valve clearances, compression and maybe even the carb on the RH side. And a new battery, of course. He SWEARS it's a spark issue. But with one set of points, one condenser, and one dual output coil, that shouldn't be possible. You shouldn't be able to get fire in one hole but not the other.
While I await it's arrival, any guesses or suggestions on what to check?
And because everyone likes pics: