Before I post this phot, I want to say that I'm not trying to bring ANYONE down, I just had this phot and wanted to put it up here. Has nothing to do with the fact that eeveryone in the photo, including my Wifw Brenda, has since passed on.
Anyway, there is Scooter on the upper right back of the chair, That's Boots on the other side, Hard to tell but that's Shadow (black cat) stretched across on Brennda's lap, then there's Butch in front of her (poor thing, he was the only dog) and, of course, there's Brenda being the center of their attention and loving every minute of it. Having such a deep feeling for pets, is only ONE of the things that we shared. Hope you enjoyed seeing this phot. What it shows, represents just a small part of uor life together. Maybe I shouldn't have put this here, maybe on the thread about Brenda. I wasn't sure, so I just did it and hope it is appreciated. I DO wish I could enlarge it some, to help the different cats to be seen better

Later on, Bill