Obviously, I love animals -- many replies below:
Annie is our squirrel dog extraordinaire.

Did you ever see David Letterman's
Dog Poetry? It's a hoot.
This is my moth. i said "bug, don't go into the light" but, alas, he went...

I'm sure that I can speak for all the SOHC4 members in offering you our sincerest condolences. Next time, skip the "let it go and be free stuff." Clip its wings instead.

By the way, I didn't know that ferrets lived on hammocks. Does he sip weak beer with a lime in it while watching the surf come in?
Here are our newest additions...
1 boy and 5 girls
...and our rescue Sam. He is the greatest chipmunk hunter ever.
It's hard to imagine the chipmunk menace that lurks behind those eyes, but they don't call them terriers for nothing.

Sasha didn't care about anything except dogs and people (in that order). I'm not exaggerating to say that he missed entire herds of deer (10+ no more than 30 yards away) while he sniffed about. On the other hand, he did have an unbelievable nose. He once found an ant by sniffing for it.

My wife has had this cat almost 10 years. I'm not a big fan of cats, but sometimes she's the only thing that can make our baby stop crying. The kids are pretty attached. She also drinks beer and fetches. It would be cool if she could fetch beer, but alas...
She's been throwing up since Christmas and has some kind of growth or blockage in her stomach. Never thought I'd spend this kind of money on an animal, but she's going into surgery tomorrow morning. We're pulling for you Kitty.
I said I'd never do it myself, but I've done it several times now and never regretted it. When he got older, Sasha got diabetes and then started to go seriously blind. I scraped the change for cataract surgery. About a week later, he was sitting across the room from me, and I just happened to look over at him because he was watching me. Like a true Lab, he started to thump his tail on the floor. I couldn't put a price on that. Best wishes for her surgery.

Kermit is a green tree frog. He lives in a plant pot on my deck.
Kermit doesn't do the escape/run away thing?
Here is my little guy, Blue aka The Chick Magnet. These are some pics of him as a pup, taken about 2 years ago. I got him at the Cleveland APL. He's a Husky / Beagle mix.

Never worked for me except with the older women who brought their dogs to the park in the morning.

I must be doing something seriously wrong.