And you thought ofreens cat was scarry.....
Ha ha, I fuggin near pissed my pants! Hey it's actually an improvement on the original I reckon!
Here's a pic of "Sally the Wonder Dog", it's a wonder she's still alive, mostly. She's a Kelpie that someone gave me 11 or 12 years ago, they found her dumped on the side of the road when she was just a few days old, and thought she was a Rottweiler pup, ha ha!
She was really sick so I had to spring for a histerectomy for her, that was 5 or 6 years ago, and it's weird, she hasn't physically aged a day since! My parents dog is probably a year older, and he's full of athritis, but she's as fast as she ever was.
She's really friendly while I'm around, but don't try climbing over the fence when I'm not home, she doesn't bark much, but she does bite.........hard! Ha ha, Cheers, Terry.