Here are my babies

Tiddles the Psychopath started appearing in the back garden of my Mum's friend one day about 6 years ago and terrorised their German Shepherd to the point that it refused go outside

Me MrsD went round, took one look at her and adopted her there and then

BTW You want to try confining a half feral cat to barracks for the recommended two weeks

We gave up after less than 48 hours, she went outside, disappeared for 8 hours, came back for food, and has been here ever since

She was named for the ship's cat on HMS Victory

Sh!thead the Runt was a 5ish week old abandoned kitten my sister found whilst walking her dogs, we took him in thinking he would maybe bring out Psycho's maternal instincts, fat chance

She bullied him mercilessly for the first two years of his life, ignored him for the next two, and for the last eighteen months they've been inseparable, which is lovely, until they decide they are going to play on the stairs at 2am

He was so named because for the first year he could never clean himself properly and we were forever washing his face for him, he's got mortal fear of any running water now as a result

He's also slightly malformed as a result of his less than perfect start in life