I wouldn’t kick her out of my room. I like your CBX, nice work on both, Ohio has free MSF course, be sure to tell any rider… I think they require it, but don’t recall. Insurance discount from msf course is nice.
TN offers free tuition to their TN technical school for residents, good way to get training as room and books and can do A&P mechanic or diesel or automotive and other training as well as medical field training for technician and low level nurse or medical assistant and other stuff.
Governor Haslam in TN did a lot of good for Tennesseans doing that. Only need 6 months residence to establish residency to get in line for the enrollment in the program. So, good way for youth to go to technical college/school to take a practical approach if they want a career or way to support themselves and family.
Moving to an area where salaries are higher without outstripping their income because of high cost of living. But not everyone is built like me not wanting to live where you grew up but see the country and live in other places…
They don’t all have my issues either, I got more than my fair share of issues…
Wish I had become an A&P mechanic and specialized in avionics. That was my dream and parents pressured me into doing different program…