Hello gents,
It's been a while and I finally got my bike to run perfectly!

After my last post, I did a budget-ish top end rebuild. I've changed the rings and gaskets, honed cylinders, and lapped/replaced valves.
Oil filter was replaced as well and the bottom oil pan was cleaned.
Put them all back together, the mysterious rough idle popping was gone

, but the high rpm hesitation still remained.
In addition, it also started misfiring during idle. What I mean is, I could clearly tell by the sound, sluggish rev, and the loss of power that it was running on 2 cylinders. It was unstable, like it would run on 2 cylinders for 10 seconds and all 4 would fire for 5 seconds and repeat kind of thing.
Weirdly, all 4 plugs looked equally black, and 2-3 pipes were relatively colder than 1-4, which made me think about ignition problems again.
Looked at wire connection once again, tested fuel flow, float level, valve gap, timing, ignition, battery voltage, you name it.
Today, I had it idle with my points cover off and started wiggling with the connection in the points assembly.
What I've always overlooked was that one of the condensers had an "inflated" black rubber tip.
I played with it and decided to push the rubber tip back into the metal housing with a screw driver, and voila!
Extremely bad-smelling gas spewed out of the condenser

, and suddenly all 4 cylinders fired up and I knew the problem simply disappeared.
It's weird because the condensers are both 3 months old and the inflation must have happened overnight.
JFYI I got them from 4into1. I love the site and I don't mean to diss their reps. I've ordered hundreds of dollars worth of parts from them and 99% of the parts I got work flawlessly.
This was a long battle and such a great learning experience, I'm sure it will continue to be.
I feel dumb to have spent almost 2 months chasing this tiny problem, but I hope I gave you guys a good laugh at the end!
Thank you again for all the help, and I sincerely hope this post will help my fellow riders in the future.