Author Topic: almost crashed again...need some "tourist" help  (Read 1267 times)

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Offline 74cb750

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almost crashed again...need some "tourist" help
« on: June 08, 2018, 06:02:19 PM »
Hi All,

don't know if you all remember but my son crashed his New to him pristine condition 1976 Honda CB550 about 100 yards from my house. His front tire got caught in a pothole, 6 inches wide, 4-6 inches deep and 21 feet long. This occurred 3 years ago , and he still has not found another gastank.

ANYWAYS....the potholes were fixed the Next day. Now they are back and when I ride I ride in fear of my life. I have called the road agent, as have my neighbors to no avail. My neighbor hit a pothole and it cost her $1,000usd to have her SUV fixed, at her expense.

Seeing as this is a tourist area, and many motorcyclists, bicyclists and velo riders traverse this area I believe if the town manager heard
from "tourist" from SOHC/4, Maybe , just Maybe something will be done.

If you could help by calling or sending an email to complain I wou ld appreciate it.

Here's his info:

Shane O'Keefe, Municipal Manager
Phone: (802) 463-3964, ext.1104

thanks in advance, you never know the life you may save could be mine.

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Offline dave500

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Re: almost crashed again...need some "tourist" help
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2018, 06:07:51 PM »
make your own big sign and put it on the approach to the pot hole,something like this pot hole is provided free of charge from the municipal manager.

Offline brewsky

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Re: almost crashed again...need some "tourist" help
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2018, 05:44:03 AM »
Take a picture of the hole with a ruler (or yardstick) sticking out of it.

Date it, identify the road and location, and send it to the local authority responsible and indicate a copy to your local ambulance chasing attorney!

That should do it
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Offline 74cb750

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Re: almost crashed again...need some "tourist" help
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2018, 05:49:35 AM »
Just noticed I did not put in the street,
(UN) pleasant valley road, rockingham, vt.

I thought about putting a sign up, but 2 things to consider:

1-the wife said I'd probably get caught and fined (signs are Very strictly licensed)

2-the whole length -  3 mile long road is potholed.  (that's like 100 kilometers or something)

  a-I'd need a lot of signs  ;D

as an aside....tourists ride this road as a shortcut between Route 103 and Route 121 (to tony tourist destinations).

Well picture this: I'm hauling a motorcycle in my trailer around some curves and bicyclists are in the middle of the road to avoid the potholes.!@$$#!!! I'm lucky the bike in the trailer didn't fall over. >:(  I had a few choice words for the guy and he gave me the finger and swore at my wife through the open window. I was going to stop and get Personal with him, but the wife forced me back in the car.

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Offline 74cb750

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Re: almost crashed again...need some "tourist" help
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2018, 05:52:09 AM »
Take a picture of the hole with a ruler (or yardstick) sticking out of it.

Date it, identify the road and location, and send it to the local authority responsible and indicate a copy to your local ambulance chasing attorney!

After my son crashed we called a lawyer, with pictures in hand. He said in Vermont you drive " your on risk..." and the state, town, etc are not responsible for financial damages to you or your vehicle due to road conditions, even if they are abnormal.

That should do it
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Offline demon78

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Re: almost crashed again...need some "tourist" help
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2018, 05:57:47 AM »
I would think advising all the local emergency services in the guise of helping in their jobs, might work a subtle magic. Just for them to be safe out there. Possibly let the resorts and
Hotels know as well.
Bill the demon.

Offline J-Rod10

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Re: almost crashed again...need some "tourist" help
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2018, 08:53:20 AM »
 We complained about a similar situation a while back. They come up and chipsealed a couple miles of the road. Don't want to do more than 25mph on it now.

Offline eigenvector

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Re: almost crashed again...need some "tourist" help
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2018, 09:07:20 AM »
I have a similar area where I live, long stretch of road that is essentially miles of badly filled and unfilled potholes.

The county's solution is to put up a sign that reads "rough road next 10 miles" (or something like that, might only be 5 miles).

I get the impression that the people who live in the area prefer it that way to keep traffic down.  It really is a great stretch of road for motorcycling that doesn't otherwise go anywhere except into the foothills of the mountains.
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Offline vfourfreak

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Re: almost crashed again...need some "tourist" help
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2018, 09:40:47 AM »
In France the commune or department are responsible for the upkeep of the roads and legally responsible for any mishaps due to poor maintenance thereof. Usually  a missive giving evidence of a neglected stretch of roadway with a polite reminder to them of their responsibilities gets results.

In theory anyway.


Offline flybox1

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Re: almost crashed again...need some "tourist" help
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2018, 06:46:00 AM »
They're just naturally occurring speed reduction around here.   If they fixed it, they'd also have to patrol it for speeders.   ::)
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Re: almost crashed again...need some "tourist" help
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2018, 02:20:31 PM »
Take a picture of the hole with a ruler (or yardstick) sticking out of it.

Date it, identify the road and location, and send it to the local authority responsible and indicate a copy to your local ambulance chasing attorney!

That should do it

If this was an unmaintained pothole of a duration for more than a few days your whatever Public works has jurisdiction over that and would be able to compensate you for your economic losses. If a letter with the dollar amount you are owed does not sway them a letter from you favorite ambulance chaser might entice them to hand over some cash.
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Offline 74cb750

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Re: almost crashed again...need some "tourist" help
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2018, 07:24:51 PM »
Take a picture of the hole with a ruler (or yardstick) sticking out of it.

Date it, identify the road and location, and send it to the local authority responsible and indicate a copy to your local ambulance chasing attorney!

That should do it

If this was an unmaintained pothole of a duration for more than a few days your whatever Public works has jurisdiction over that and would be able to compensate you for your economic losses. If a letter with the dollar amount you are owed does not sway them a letter from you favorite ambulance chaser might entice them to hand over some cash.
I don't believe this is true as in Vermont you drive on public roads "at your own risk."
The potholes cost my rich neighbor over $1,000 for tires for her vehicle. She got nothing from the town.

2 days ago:

I finally contacted the town manager, district rep and told them if one of the rich foreigner bicycle riders from vermont bicycle tours or some of the sponsored racers that ride  by get hurt, the town will have a public relations disaster to go along with a dead bicyclist. Also informed them if I or my son get hurt again on this road because of potholes, I will contact my lawyer, post it on the internet everywhere I can, and start a public campaign to shame them. Even if it costs me $ and I don't get any financial compensation this "tourist" area will be off limits to moving traffic. That will hurt the town tourist traffic, I'll make sure of it.

today the road is being fixed, well the major potholes anyways.
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