A guy walks into a bar and asks the bartender whether he can have a free drink, if he provides entertainment for the customers. The barkeep asks to see the entertainment, so the guy reaches into his backpack and pulls out a tiny grand piano and a tiny little fellow who proceeds to sit at the piano and play it.
Everyone is enthralled and the guy is given many free drinks.
Finally the barkeep asks him to tell the story about the little piano and its player.
"Well," says the guy, "the other day I was walking down the street, minding my own business, when I met a very old lady who was having difficulty crossing the street. I asked if I could help, took her arm, and walked her across. On the other side she told me that she was actually a fairy godmother and granted me one wish....."
"Go on." said the barkeep, expectantly.
"Trouble is, she must have been hard of hearing, because I definately did NOT ask for a 9" pianist."