Thanks for the info Charlie. Your primary jet number sort of surprises me from what everything I've read. Good to hear that it runs out fine.
Whatever pilot jet you have, use that one to begin with, and use the mixture screws to fine tune it and see if you need a larger ones or smaller ones. It is always easier to see if what you have will work, rather than replacing them and then finding out they were fine.
As for pods, stay away from the El Cheapo ones, as they are junk, and don't filter well at all. There is a fellow on eBay that sells velocity stacks with UNI filter cartridges in them, but they are a bit pricey at $38 each. BUT they look killer!! An engine needs a good filtration system, no matter which way you go. A stock air box won't be effective with a poor air filter, or no air filter. Now, the same thing applies with pods. You wouldn't run velocity stacks without some type of filter screen, to keep the crap out. A good set of pods starts at $40, and goes up from there, I am running the foam UNI pods, and they are washable, and you oil them each time, with air filter oil, or I believe 30w 'could' be used. I get the spray foam filter oil, and its easy to use. Hope this helps!
EDIT: Now I think on it, there might be 40 pilot jets in those carbs... I can't remember now lol...