Author Topic: 1974 CB750, new bike, new owner, new user, and new questions :P  (Read 10390 times)

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Offline piefairy

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Re: 1974 CB750, new bike, new owner, new user, and new questions :P
« Reply #75 on: June 22, 2018, 11:40:42 AM »
I'm getting less than 1 volt in ac or DC. I have the yellows reconnected when I was testing.

Offline piefairy

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Re: 1974 CB750, new bike, new owner, new user, and new questions :P
« Reply #76 on: June 22, 2018, 05:45:24 PM »
I will be running through this in the morning, just getting home from work. Another question for you though... My mechanic who did the carbs was saying he was having issues starting the bike, and had to jump the solenoid to get the starter going (never had this problem myself prior to this). But its giving me the same issue as well. The solenoid is bad, I jumped it right off the battery and it wouldn't close, but while I was going through it I noticed the M-unit "starter" output is putting out 11v all the time when its on. It jumps up to 12.8 when I press the starter button, but just seems odd that its always on. Is it restricting amperage or just staying below the activation threshold of the solenoid?

Online scottly

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Re: 1974 CB750, new bike, new owner, new user, and new questions :P
« Reply #77 on: June 22, 2018, 06:23:23 PM »
The wiring of ricks rec/reg are as follows,

Green is connected to green at stator (not green w/ red stripe)

The green field wire should be connected to ground (battery -)
edit: Both the green field wire and the green regulator wire should be connected to ground.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2018, 06:35:02 PM by scottly »
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Offline piefairy

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Re: 1974 CB750, new bike, new owner, new user, and new questions :P
« Reply #78 on: June 22, 2018, 07:42:02 PM »
I noticed the M-unit "starter" output is putting out 11v all the time when its on. It jumps up to 12.8 when I press the starter button, but just seems odd that its always on. Is it restricting amperage or just staying below the activation threshold of the solenoid?
You’ve got something wired wrong at the START switch. If your using push buttons, your button is partially stuck on, or stock control, the button is bad. You’re getting an incomplete ground signal into the START input, that’s why it’s less than full voltage. It should not register any voltage on the output unless the button is depressed.

Makes sense, I have the moto-mini switches but just have the ground ends crimped into a loop connector to the negative on the battery. With wires that thin, I should have soldered them to the ring, rather than rely on the clamp.

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Re: 1974 CB750, new bike, new owner, new user, and new questions :P
« Reply #79 on: June 23, 2018, 05:19:36 AM »
Ill dream of a ...broken down Budweiser truck in front of both of our houses then.
You keep that panther piss, I’ll stick with Goslings Black Seal, thank you very much  8)
Real beer doesn't have 'rice' in it lol... They use rice hulls in Bud to make alcohol, and it ain't right!! I'll take anything else that doesn't brew with rice!! Canadian beer only uses 5 ingredients, as that is what beer should have... and that is by regulation in Canada! Take Miller (please) for example... at one time, they had 51 different ingredients in it... and the term Panther Piss would be appropriate there too lol.
1971 CB750K1 (newest bike), 1996 Royal Enfield 500 Bullet (therapy bike), 1981 Yamaha XV920RH, 2006 Kawasaki Concours (retirement bike), 1975 Yamaha RD350 (race bike), 1989 Honda VTR250 Interceptor (race bike), 1986 Kawasaki EX250 Ninja (race bike in progress), 1985 Honda Elite CH250, 1973 Yamaha GT1 80cc, 1974 Yamaha DT360 project bike.

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Offline piefairy

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Re: 1974 CB750, new bike, new owner, new user, and new questions :P
« Reply #80 on: June 23, 2018, 04:04:44 PM »
Thanks for all the help Cal! She is up and running well, minus a starter solenoid. The R/R had a bad ground, I metered it to the neg on the battery and had over 10M ohms of resistance. Moved it to the neg terminal on the battery and I'm getting 13.4 at idle, and 13.8v and 2500 RPM. Just finished an hour long shakedown run and she is a happy little bike. Definitely loves the 5k + rpm, just sings there.

The only negative during the ride is a bit of clutch crunch when shifting. I kept having to adjust the tension on the clutch cable because it was going partially slack until about 1/3 of the pull. I would tighten it, would shift fine, but slowly start to slack again as I shift. I dont know if its the clutch cable or an adjustment in the clutch housing. Thoughts?

Ill dream of a ...broken down Budweiser truck in front of both of our houses then.
You keep that panther piss, I’ll stick with Goslings Black Seal, thank you very much  8)
Real beer doesn't have 'rice' in it lol... They use rice hulls in Bud to make alcohol, and it ain't right!! I'll take anything else that doesn't brew with rice!! Canadian beer only uses 5 ingredients, as that is what beer should have... and that is by regulation in Canada! Take Miller (please) for example... at one time, they had 51 different ingredients in it... and the term Panther Piss would be appropriate there too lol.

I do enjoy my Molson or Labatt but they are hard to find in the south. I do enjoy a nice heavy craft beer, but not when its 95* F and 90% humidity outside, I wait for the winter for those.

Online scottly

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Re: 1974 CB750, new bike, new owner, new user, and new questions :P
« Reply #81 on: June 23, 2018, 06:34:24 PM »
Thanks for all the help Cal! She is up and running well, minus a starter solenoid. The R/R had a bad ground, I metered it to the neg on the battery and had over 10M ohms of resistance. Moved it to the neg terminal on the battery like Scottly said yesterday and I'm getting 13.4 at idle, and 13.8v and 2500 RPM. Just finished an hour long shakedown run and she is a happy little bike. Definitely loves the 5k + rpm, just sings there.

Don't fix it if it ain't broke!
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Offline piefairy

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Re: 1974 CB750, new bike, new owner, new user, and new questions :P
« Reply #82 on: June 23, 2018, 06:52:32 PM »
Thanks for all the help Cal! She is up and running well, minus a starter solenoid. The R/R had a bad ground, I metered it to the neg on the battery and had over 10M ohms of resistance. Moved it to the neg terminal on the battery like Scottly said yesterday and I'm getting 13.4 at idle, and 13.8v and 2500 RPM. Just finished an hour long shakedown run and she is a happy little bike. Definitely loves the 5k + rpm, just sings there.


LOL, sorry, I must have glanced past your post. TY Scottly!