Hey guys. First post. First bike. 74 cb350f. I had been kinda wanting a motorcycle for about a year and keeping an eye out for something that interested me. I didn't want a crotch rocket or a Harley or anything too big. Ran across this 74 and fell in love with the look of it. I've had it almost 2 weeks now.
Now for the question...when I got it, I knew the speedo wasn't working. Actually had a new speedo and cable on it and the guy said something in the gearbox was the issue. So I got on ebay and just ordered a new/used speedometer gearbox for it. It and my Clymer book came the other day. Today I got around to tearing into it.
Took the front wheel off. Broke the axle nut. Removed axle and speedo gear box. Compared the old one to the "new" one...the "new" one is missing the piece that presses against the gearbox retainer. Come to find out, that's actually the piece I'm in need of. From what I can tell from what's left of it, it appears to be rubber that presses against the gearbox and has 2 little ears on the inside which turn the internals of the speedo gear.
Should/Does the piece come with the speedo? Is it a separate piece...if so, what's it called and where can I get it?
Thanks so much for your time. I've already learned a lot here.