it's a little small, I know and my apologies for that. it is actually a photo of what my Dad and some other local riders did once a month, on a Sunday afternoon, for quite a few years. They had an endurance like run, through the woods and down a trail. Each run was pre setup by the previous winner. He would lay out the route, using small arrows that were simply pieces of thin cardboard (about 1" wide by about 2" lg. An "arrow" would be nailed ever so often, along the way, from start to finish. ever so often, there would be 3 arrows nailed together (with 1 turned upward and the other 2 pointing downward, forming an upside down "Y") And that would mark a "Station" each "Station" & each "Station" had a pad of "Tickets" (a certain number of pieces of paper with a certain number, #1 on the 1st one and so on) nailed to that tree. I don't remember how many stations there would be, I am thinking, about 12. Anyway, they would start off and run the route that was marked and whoever got to the end, with all of the tickets, won and then that person would setup the next run and so on. The number of folks who entered this event, determined how many classes (A, B, C etc) and I don't remember where the cut off was, on entrants, that required another class.
Now, in this photo, my Dad was on a 175 Jawa Scrambler and crossing a small creek and 12 others were trying to see where they needed to cross. This photo is one showing one of the things my Dad enjoyed doing, for a pastime. He and my Granddad are responsible for my Love for motorcycles.