I bought this bike in great shape a month ago for $3,300.
The seller warned me there was "some sort of charging issue."
Both he and the owner before him had batteries continually die on them.
When I got my hands on the bike, I got a Yuasa AGM battery and I took off the stock charging system and put in the Cycle X charging system, which is basically the british Norton, Triumph deal 3 phase.
Ive been told these bikes dont get charging until 3k rpm which is not good for city traffic. Sure enough, my battery died at idle, with my multimeter, I got 12.5, at 3k i got around 12.9 - 13v and at 4k i got about 13.8 to 14.2 so I think the system is charging fine.
So the new rectifier i put on 10 days ago seems to be no good. according to my mechanic guy. How could a rectifier (Podtronics) brand new, fail after 100 miles of riding?
See below photo of my bike: