My friend gives me a present last night. A Stainless bolt kit for my bike. I was thrilled until I noticed that the kit consists of one small bag of bolts and a business card.
Now, there aren't NEARLY as many bolts here as are on my bike, or even just the engine. And of course, no instructions as to where in the hell these particular bolts go.
So I start tinkering, it's obvious these are select engine bolts, and it seems to be that they're mainly replacements for all the Phillips Head bolts that plague my engine.
Cool, I go to the store and even get the proper #3 Phillips screwdriver required for doing this.
Then it begins....
I got through most of the side cover bolts with no issue. Some cammed out a little or were simply stuck and WD40 and a few hours of waiting helped a great deal. After an entire day, I got through all the side covers and up to the valve cover.
I'm going through all manner of hell trying to get the valve cover bolts off. I've tried a torch (both directly to the bolt, and on a seperate one to the surrounding area where the bolt sits). I've tried WD40. I've tried a hammer, cursing, and getting my burly neighbor to come lean and swear at it.
I'm out of ideas, and I'd really rather not end up screwing this up and having to replace the head or whatnot.
Screwed in Michigan.
Chris B.