Author Topic: breaker points  (Read 1507 times)

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Offline carl550k

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breaker points
« on: June 17, 2005, 10:29:33 AM »
just put in new points on my 550k but not sure if right.where do the timing marks have to be to get the gap correct? thanx carl


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Re: breaker points
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2005, 01:01:03 PM »
Go up to the top of the home page and to the right, click on "Technical". Look for ignition timing.

Key things to remember are the two steps to points timing. First find the widest opening of point gap and then tighten the screw. Recheck the gap once you tighten the screw. It will either widen or lessen the gap when the screw is tightened. Run the crank one full turn till you see the widest gap of the points. Then recheck the clearance.
Once that is done, you can now move the plates to set the timing.
Remember, find the widest gap of the points is the first step.

Second step is to line up the Fire mark using the "I" mark and not the F letter. You will see these marks for both 1-4 and 2-3, through the little dime (hole) size points plate window.
The "II" marks that are away from say the 1-4 F "I" T "I" are the advancer marks. If you just set the ignition with a static light, you are very close. Using the "II" advancer marks will need more breaker plate movement when using a timing light.
Remember, use the "I" mark near the F= Fire for initial points timing.