Little update on the build, It's been a few months

USPS ended up loosing my 96 link DID219fth after 3 weeks shipping time and kept hesitating to declare it lost. Ended up costing me a month of time which really sucks but finally got one in my hands after ordering 3 under different names and addresses.

The 96 link DID 219FTH that's sold on Ebay is not endless which is my current setback thankfully MRieck has a tool on the way to connect the chain identical to factory.

The Megacycle 125-N-T3 came in a little while back as well the Intake lobes are a bit violent

The build will slowly start to come together over this month i'm still in search of an ATP turbo manifold if anyone is thinking of lightening their collection

Still offering a 100$ reward to anyone who can source me one.
Also looking for a 5/16 pingel petcock for a 1975-76 cb750ss gas tank if anyone knows the correct model please shoot me a pm it would be greatly appreciated.