Ok, so the K1 "Power-Kruiser" is a reality, the racer engine is in, Mike Rieck sent me some new carb rubbers, but I don't have any pods to fit to the Keihin CR's yet, so they're still in the box, and I just cleaned the stockers and fitted them, and I also fitted the Dyna S and 3 Ohm Dyna green coils and Peter Allen race pipe. (still too loud for the street, but I'll fix that)
Surprisingly for me, it fired right up and sounds awesome, and seems to rev freely in the driveway, but I was surprised that when I put a volt meter across the battery terminals with the engine running, it was down to 8 volts! Oooh.......
It appears that the alternator aint alternating, but I changed the regulator first (easier) anyway, there was no change, so I'm guessing the stator is knackered. No biggie there as I've got several in boxes, just a pain in the butt.
What I find somewhat disturbing though, is that with the engine off and the ignition off, the voltmeter is reading 12 volts at the battery terminals, but as soon as I turn the ignition on, the voltmeter drops to 10 volts, is this normal? Could it be as a result of fitting the Dyna 3 Ohm coils?
Anyway, I'm off to change out the stator, but if however, my diagnosis is incorrect, what else should I be looking at? Engine and other mechanical problems are easy for me, but electrical stuff is definately "White Mans Magic" to my poor old undersized brain, ha ha! Cheers, Terry.