Thanks for all the reply's and the warnings of using these on a 550...I am aware of screwing with the geometry for handling etc, a part of me was keen as this will be a cafe and will enhance the stance I'm after. It's a project bike and not intended to be ridden much but I will be very cautious if they do end up on the bike.
Thanks for that link flatlander I've been trawling the internet all day for something like that but couldn't find anything..
I did contact ikon in Aus and got the usual reply of no parts but offering me knew ones..
Nils would you be able to comment on the top out washers for the ones I have? there is no sign of them but I'm not sure if they if they ever had them or if they dissolved like mentioned in some other posts. I did read on a parts diagram that they may not have been fitted.,27828.0.htmlIf i were to make my own nylon top out washer and assemble it what would be its dimensions? Just above my piston there are a couple of small holes in the shaft, if the top out washer slid on the shaft and covered these holes would it be an issue or do they have a particular design?
My particular one doesn't come with a piston ring/groove on the piston either.
I am a bit hesitant in taking apart the bottom valve and piston assembly so far is there a trick to reassembling it? It was mentioned somewhere that the amount it was screwed back up could affect the this:
"There are three steel washers spaced by three tiny spacers on the bottom damper. From a fresh disassembly they alternate starting with one against the damper body.
I found the best setting was with the center screw snugged then backed off until the outer washer was clear a few thousands from the damper body. It took several assemble & test with small adjustments out each time to find this position.
You can create a lot of compression damping by turning the screw in just 1/4 turn, more then I wanted for street riding. Turboguzzi's comment confirmed this for me."
So far I've cleaned up the bodies and in the middle of painting them, I will dissemble and clean out the bottom valve and piston valve assembly then they should be able to go back together. I am not going to take apart the top gland with the seal incase I damage the seal...the shafts had a bit of wear on them but they didn't appear to be leaking..
Thanks again