Author Topic: Oil Leak and constant white/blue smoke  (Read 397 times)

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Offline PyroVee

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Oil Leak and constant white/blue smoke
« on: July 30, 2018, 06:14:55 AM »
Hi there guys, I am new to the forum and this is my first post.

I have recently purchased a CB550 four and am having a couple of issues, this bike is very new to me and I am relatively unfamiliar with its workings. The main issue for me so far is that there is a small oil leak on the left hand side of the engine, visible on the fins, in addition to this there is a relatively constant white/bluey smoke coming out of the exhaust. I have checked the spark plugs and for all intents and purposes they seem fine, not fouled. I recently put a semi synthetic silkolene 10w40 in there and that only seems to have made it worse. My first guess would be to do a compression test. According to the previous owner the engine was rebuilt 1000 miles back, cam chain seems very tight on the tensioner so I guess there is SOME truth to this, perhaps the valve rubbers are on their way out?

The second issue is that it "bogs" in mid range acceleration, lower revs it runs fine, high revs too however in the middle of these two it chugs.

Any advice would be brilliant!