I passed along your article to a friend with all the experience, education and background one can ask for on a topic such as this. Here are his comments in response:
>>>*I hear rumblings out there. The first indication we had was a run of CMC (USA made) blanks several years ago. Since we had probably gone through 500 with zero problems, my instinct was to blame it on the cam blank.
We switched to TAE as a supplier, kinda *spensive but cheap if it worked and it seemed to. Plus we added a Parkerizing process to the camshafts, this is a protective coating that absorbs and helps retain oil molecules.
I also noted that at the same time we got our hands on some 100 sets of aftermarket rocker arms, and we were losing those also.
Of course I blamed the problem on those as not being up to snuff, did some testing, then gave up supplying them. I have been thinking of Parkerizing the new rocker arms, not sure how well that will work with the bi-metal, though.
But reconditioned arms worked, solved that problem. That was all Toyota pieces. The trouble there is good used arms are getting kinda scarce. I threw some 400+ brand new rocker arms in the aluminum bin. One Reno trip down the tubes there.
Then: In came a SBC stick, flat. NBD, happens all the time on Chevies except within a week here was another, then two more. Once or twice I can tell a customer they may have made a mistake, hand them a new stick and lecture them.
Three times in short order and something is wrong, time to start digging to find out WTH is going on!
I visit the FE board (390-428 Fords) regularly, bunch of old coots like me that want the engine to rumble or it ain't an engine from their point of view.
Flat cams, over and over and over. UNHEARD of on the FE design. I will wager I never saw a flat 390 cam in 30 years of building those, doesn't happen.
Comp Cams got blamed, but Cranes, regrinds, everything else was going out, too. Then Johnson started making lifters again, let's face it, China was the only source for several years and they just weren't up to speed. The problem eased but didn't vanish.
We have folks now using specialized coatings trying to solve a problem that never existed. There are a bunch of comments over there right now about flat lobes.
Then I spotted an article on oil and it hit me. Note that Toyota and other designs popped up with the "Sludge" problem in there about the same time in the nearly unvented newer engine designs (2.7L and others)...
I don't much believe in co-incidence.
Yep. Oil. Now I did get a small petrochemistry education a jillion years ago, pretty much "This is oil and it's slick" but still I know about most additives and how they work.
I am hearing the same rumblings out there myself. We use the flame hardened cam blanks on our own production runs and at the moment we are seeing almost no failures. But every time a domestic H/P cam goes out the door I cringe a little.
Note that the factories all pretty much went to roller cams? I wonder if they knew ahead of us? Probably.
But now were are seeing roller cams with tracks worn in them from the rollers? We use to reinstall the rollers with over 150,000 on them and think nothing of it.
Not any more.
I suspect there will be a lot more information coming, but so far we aren't seeing any failures beyond normal with our own stuff. I will bet that most suppliers start using different hardening techniques though, some already are...
*I wish government would quit screwing with stuff....*