I had just finished installing my new PAMCO ignition and coils kit from 4into1 on my ‘77 CB550K earlier in the day at my brother’s garage down in Irvine. After dialing in the timing, i took a test run around the block and holy frick—this thing was like a new beast. Better idle and barely had to choke for long, where before i’d have to choke for at least 2mins to get up to temp for it to idle without dying. Now, it just idles basically cold (well it’s 97 deg in LA right now, so i’ve got a head start on temp). I felt more consistent power all through the acceleration range. All around it simply runs better. So i decided i’d make the 40 mile trek from Irvine back home to Pasadena.
While riding 80mph northbound on I-5 in Los Angeles, i had never felt more liberated and happy with this bike, regardless of being on one of the most annoying freeways in the country. It’s like it had been constipated for the 7 years i’ve had it, and the new ignition and coils was like salt water enema.
Then, about 10 miles from home, while cruising in the left lane at a 75/80mph clip... boom... the sucker lost all power to two cylinders, and i dropped to 50mph almost instantly. I cautiously froggered my way through some lane changes—still losing speed—across 5 lanes to barely make an off ramp. Still limping along on 2 cylinders, i pulled into the nearest gas station and shut it down, thinking i either installed something completely wrong, or something was a lemon.
My first thought was one of the new coils was garbage. So i swapped some spark plug cables around, kicked it back up, and realized that the same pipes were staying cold: 1/4. if i had thought it through completely before assuming the coils first, i would have known that a 1/4 or 2/3 issue is ignition—and a 1/2 or 3/4 issue is coils. so once i realized that, i knew i had to pop the ignition cover off and check it out. i had to hobble a couple miles up the road to the Downey Walmart, because i didn’t have the right allen keys to get the cover off. so once i finally got the tool i needed, i started loosening that points cover—i thought i had maybe forgot to tighten down the three screws on the plate, and the thing was just rattling loose in there. but no—once the cover was off, this is what i saw

Idiot me didn’t think to secure the wire away from moving parts: the rotor. so it was just rubbing for 30 miles before it finally reached its point of no more current.
So i went back into walmart and got a wire stripper, wire nuts, and extra wire in case i needed it. then i clipped em, and stripped em

Then twisted em together like a true wiring pro. I think this was about the point where a roaming walmart parking lot prostitute solicited a good time to me. despite its glaring serendipity—since this mishap was causing me to miss a date with a nice lady that evening—i declined. i will be keeping this particular “wire” away from that particular “moving part”.
plus, i had already thrown my cash at a (wire) stripper.

And finished it off nice with some wire nuts. Also threw a couple cable ties in some strategic spots to secure the wires down.

Good as new til i can rewire it proper.
And that concludes my PAMCO / Downey Walmart adventure. Always remember, kids: keep your wire away from moving parts.