Author Topic: What was your most embarrassing moment?  (Read 6793 times)

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Re: What was your most embarrassing moment?
« Reply #25 on: February 23, 2006, 11:39:08 AM »
OK now thats a good one! ;D

Offline Dave Wyatt

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Re: What was your most embarrassing moment?
« Reply #26 on: February 23, 2006, 11:59:45 AM »
I too once had a 883 Sporty and it was equipped with highway pegs, that I used all the time.  So much that I shifted with the heel of me left foot and rarely used the rear brake.

Riding to work one morning I came to a familiar intersection with some fresh sand I hadn't seen the last time through.  As I applied the front brake, the front end washed out before I knew it was happening.  Down I went at low speed, but face down.  There I laid with a small Harley on me and due to my position, I could not get out from under it.  My right foot was caught and being face down there was no way to lift it.  Luckily (or unluckily) a coworker drove up, got out and picked the bike up so I could get up.  Anyone but a coworker would have been good, because I heard about the incident all week long.  Many quips about the bike riding me.  I stopped using the front brake as often after that.
Dave Wyatt
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Re: What was your most embarrassing moment?
« Reply #27 on: February 23, 2006, 03:55:32 PM »
I've driven off with the sidestand down too many times to mention. The only reason I mention it now is that the last time was yesterday!

Luckily a passing yob gentleman shouted "your stands down mate!" Maybe he was OK after all.

Maybe he wasn't O.k. ... That almost sounds like sexual harrasment!

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Offline DiscoEd

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Re: What was your most embarrassing moment?
« Reply #28 on: February 23, 2006, 04:15:03 PM »
One upon a time back in the 80's while riding an RM400 on a mesa in southern California...

I was rounding a curve on a trail. (did I mention going too damn fast?) I got the front tire into some loose gravel and the wheel slipped up and over the rim of the corner and dropped right strait into a three foot deep ditch. Needless to say, the bike came to a complete stop. At least the front of it anyway.

Over the bars I go with the rear of the bike following close behind. Next thing I know I find myself face down with my right leg folded up behind me, The bike laying on top of me with the motor running and my right foot poking up through the spokes of the rear wheel. The chain broke when my foot went through, thankfully. Before I had come to a stop I had slid down an embankment by about 15 feet or so. I was completely invisble from the top of the trail. So I layed there for about 15 to 20 minutes unable to get the bike off of me because I'm a 98 lb weakling and face down. Finally my friend found me. (he noticed the patch of dirt stirred up from when I slid over the top of the curve.)

I came out of it pretty unscathed, It was a long walk back to the trailer with the bike though. I also learned the value of wearing gloves and knee pads. I've still got gravel under my skin to this day.


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Offline Jeff.Saunders

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Re: What was your most embarrassing moment?
« Reply #29 on: February 23, 2006, 07:55:03 PM »
Here are a couple that spring to mind.

I just got my first bike - a moped (in England a moped was all you can get a license for at 16).  I had to get new tyres on it - replaced the back OK, then the front - took the moped around the block - it seemed a little wobbly - put it on the stand to check the tyres and the front wheel fell out - oops - forgot to bolt it in.

Recently, I had just finished getting my turbo'd Z1 back together - it fired up strong - took it down the road and got to the bottom of the hill and it just cut out - the fuel pump had failed.  The first bike to come alone was a mechanic from the local shop on his harley - he towed me back home...  I think that;s the first time a harley has ever stayed out in front of me...

Offline cbjunkie

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Re: What was your most embarrassing moment?
« Reply #30 on: February 23, 2006, 07:58:02 PM »
towed home by a Harley?

Jeff, dude, you win.   

 ;D ;D ;D

hey Ed, where ya been, man?
1971 750K1
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Offline skamania19

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Re: What was your most embarrassing moment?
« Reply #31 on: February 23, 2006, 08:55:52 PM »
At a campsite with family I wanted to go riding with my brother. Problem was, didn't have a bike at the time. So my sister-in-law said I could borrow hers (Honda dual-sport). Told her no problem, I hadn't crashed in 20 years. Bike's in good hands. Sit back and relax. Watch and learn.

Leaving the campsite I brought my right foot up and tangled my bootlace around the peg. I looked down to see why why my foot was stuck and steered right. Came within a few inches of wiping out into a tree, then almost tipping it because I couldn't get my foot down. Somehow got it stopped and was able to tilt it left and get my left foot down before I tipped over like that guy on the trike on Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In.

Looked back the 15 feet to where I'd left my sis-in-law and saw that she was collapsed against a folding chair laughing so hard I though she was going to piss the fire out.

I tuck in my laces now...
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Re: What was your most embarrassing moment?
« Reply #32 on: February 24, 2006, 02:14:20 PM »
When i was young I was taking my first bike,a rusty crappy 400/4 to get registed.The baffle in the exhaust had rusted out so it was to loud,so to make it pass the inspection i made my own baffle out of galvanised chicken wire.After the 30 minute ride to the inspection station i pulled into the pit area ,this inspector races out and hits my kill switch.Seems i had been blowing out little chunks of red hot molten metal like a flame thrower!The inspector was so angry he wouldnt let me touch it untill i came back with a proper exhaust.I think it sat there for about a month.Very embarrasing with 4 inspectors standing around telling me how stupid i was

Offline GroovieGhoulie

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Re: What was your most embarrassing moment?
« Reply #33 on: February 25, 2006, 01:05:25 AM »
Once, when learning to ride, I came up to a stop sign and forgot to put my feet down.  Managed to save the bike and not drop it, but it was ugly.

Spent 20 minutes troubleshooting why my bike wouldn't start when it clearly had gas and spark, only to see the kill switch in the stop position.

I also got a story that I wouldn't believe if it didn't happen to me.

A few months ago, my dad bought a couple of Honda Trail 70s.  Fun little bikes.  Anyway, we were getting one running and it was running a little rich.  We were tuning the carb and fiddling with it.  It was hard to start (kickstarter pawls were worn) and the best way to start it was to put it in top gear and have a friend push it while you held wide-open-throttle (and choke if cold).

Well my brother (and I) have a habit of wiping our hands on our shirts and pants when working on machinery.  We had been dealing with carbs all day and has been wiping gasoline-soaked hands on ourselves.  By the end of the day, our shirts could be classified as a petroleum-spill disaster area and FEMA called in.

Anyway, the little bike had a habit of "loading up" on fuel during the "takeoff run" and when the engine caught, it would bark fire out the exhaust for the first few dozen yards. (No flame arrestor in the silencer)  Rather impressive at night.  Well it was getting into the evening (getting dark) and I had just re-set the needle jet to run a bit leaner so we were doing a test run.  I was piloting the bike and my brother was pushing me.  We were tired and had forgotten about the engine's fire-breathing ability.

Top gear
choke off
full throttle
ignition on


After about 75 feet or so, the engine caught and with a BANG! it spat an impressive three-foot flame out the back.  Right into my brother's gasoline-infused shirt and hands.

I hear this massive YOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!! come from behind me and see him frantically trying to put the front of his shirt out with his flaming hands.

I drop to first gear and immediately spin the little bike around to go help.  However, if you don't know, the first gear in the Trail 70 is a hill-climbing gear and is VERY short.  I romp the throttle and the front wheel picks up in an unintentional wheelie.

My dad said it was the funniest thing he ever saw.  My brother, who was on fire, finally got himself put out right as I ride past him, shocked look on my face, doing a wheelie and right as I got past him, I let off the gas and fell forward and off the bike.

The upshot?  No damage to the bike, myself or my brother.  And we did learn the practical value of Flame Arrestors in off-road bikes.  My dad laughed his ass off too.

Offline BobbyR

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Re: What was your most embarrassing moment?
« Reply #34 on: February 25, 2006, 08:16:11 AM »
 I had bought a 1966 250 cc single cylinder Ducati Street Scrambler from a fellow who was being sent to Vietnam. The fellow always wanted a Harley XLCH, so he took this Ducati and pimped it up to a point it looked like something or other with high bars, and a sawed off muffler. But it was loud as hell and was fairly quick 0-50 and cheap.
 I met a well-endowed blonde one night with somewhat loose morals and invited her to come for a ride. She loved Bikes and with one cylinder I think she liked the vibration. We made a date for the next afternoon to go riding.
  I spent all morning polishing this horror. I was running a bit late.  I knew there were Horse Trails that ran fairly close to her home. All was good until I hit a blind curve with a fairly large pile of Horse leavings in the middle. With cat like reflexes I skirted the pile and promptly slid on another pile, laying the bike down on a third pile. Needless to say, did not get to her house on time. I went back home to hose me and the bike off, I called and she had left. Man I still hate Horses.
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

But we were boys, and boys will be boys, and so they will. To us, everything was dangerous, but what of that? Had we not been made to live forever?

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Re: What was your most embarrassing moment?
« Reply #35 on: February 26, 2006, 12:20:15 AM »
I have to stop reading this thread ... my sides are hurting.   ;D ;D ;D

As for my contribution...if you will note my bike has a set of crash bars.
Within a week of getting the bike (without the crash bars) in 1970 I rode over
to Tampa and exited off the interstate on a major eight lane road.  I should have noticed
that there was just enough water on the road from a recent rain to float all the oil to
the top. Yep, barely touched the rear brake at no more than 5 mph and the bike slid right
out from under me. :-[

Fortunately, I was able to straddle the bike and only burned one leg on the pipes.  >:(Worse
the light changed to green as I was discovering that I couldn't lift it upright.  As the honking
started, I struggled to get it up.  ;D  Finally the guy who was stuck behind me got out of his
car and between the two of us we managed to lift it.  I mumbled a quick thanks and rode off.
He said he couldn't stand to watch me struggle any longer.

The next day I had the crash bar least it will stop the fall at 45 degrees. ::)

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Offline Japbikemike

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Re: What was your most embarrassing moment?
« Reply #36 on: February 26, 2006, 03:40:20 PM »
Dear SOHC4 forum,  I used to think these stories were made up until today...

Finally happened.  Carb #4's float has been stuck for awhile.  Fired up this morning, some gas was spilling out, apparently enough to pool under the engine.  Made it several blocks, stopped at a stop sign in front of the local country club.  Sat long enough for a nice puddle of gas to collect on the ground, took off in front of a 4-some of golfers and spun the 750 out from under me.  I ended up in the road about 10 feet away.  A large man in short pants with a sweater tied around his neck offered to help me lift the bike and perhaps share a Moheto in the club house.  I gratfully declined and limped home and put the bike on craig's list:

I'm thinking a 500 will be lighter to pick-up.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2006, 02:22:39 PM by Japbikemike »
"Whats my favorite bike?  The one I'm on Pal, the one I'm on."---Tom Dobson

Offline Pirate Gonzo

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Re: What was your most embarrassing moment?
« Reply #37 on: February 27, 2006, 02:01:08 PM »
Quite a few years ago I had a CB750. My date and I were out for a ride and I pulled in for some gas at a local Station. At this station were a bunch of guys on crotch rockets, I would say about 15 to 20. I gave my date $5 and asked her to run in for me. My bike only had a center stand so instead of putting it on that I just sat on the bike while filling. I got done putting the $5 in and was reaching over to hang up the pump as she came running out and jumps on the back of the bike. Bike falls over, gas spills all over. I could still hear them all laughing as I pulled out the driveway.

To this day anybody I give a ride to I tell them to wait until I am ready to get on... and don't JUMP.
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Offline Ted Nomura

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Re: What was your most embarrassing moment?
« Reply #38 on: February 27, 2006, 02:27:23 PM »
What was your most embarrassing moment?

Well, we all have done it. It is now the time to come clean and make us laugh at your expense.

When I was a kid there was this low budget biker movie that actually got me involved in a lifetime of riding. The movie was called "Then came Bronson" with the main biker actor named Michael Parks.

I was so fascinated at this "biking to nowhere" lifestyle that I took my second bike, a 71 Honda SL350 and foolishly painted it up just like "Bronsons" bike. (A Montessa or Laverda I believe)
Bronson always had a sleeping bag mounted up front under his headlighton the forks, and wore this black stocking cap. I was there! I even had the same goofy ass smirk. (took quite a long time to get it just right)

Over thirty years has now past and recently found out the movie was filmed in a small town of Olathe, Colorado…a town that is about 40 miles from me. I am from Omaha Nebraska. I guess I was drawn here by

I rode my first road trip on that SL with stock gears with a cursing speed of 47 mph, from Omaha to Park Rapids Minnesota. (about 750 miles all on back roads as I became tired of friendly honking and fingers)

Even though, I am almost grown up now I would still love to give Mr. Parks a hearty handshake and thank him for giving me something so special.

Though, that was embarrassing enough, the second "moment" was when I had a brand new Yamaha XS650C in 76' and I was looking good parking and all the babes were checkin' me out. Until…

I heard a crash behind me and looked to see my new twins sidestand had sunk into the asphalt.

Bob in Colorado

Back in early 1977, I was showing off to my girl my brand-new 1976 Kawasaki KZ900. When I was about to give her a ride, a car blew close by and caused me to lose balance. As in slow motion, I asked her to get off the bike but she was unable to so to avoid damaging the alternator case, I put my feet under it. After that incident, we decided not to ride that day and waited to see if my feet was damaged. Thankfully no broken bones and I even posted a photo just before that incident in one of my Angels 750 motorcycle comics (forget which issue). About ten years later the same foot got stuck between the dual centerstands when I was lifting the 1983 Kawasaki ZN1300 Voyager. Still no broken bones but I'm not trying my luck on the third incident.
1969 Honda CB750, two 1970 CB750, two 1972 CB750K2, 1971 CB500, 1975 CB550, 1976 CB400F, 1968 CL450, 1973 CL450, 1974 CB450, 1970 1/2 SL350K1, 1971 SL350K1, 1972 SL350K2, 1972 CL350, 1972 CB350, 1983 CB1000C, 1976 Kawasaki KZ900A4, 1976 KH500A8, 1979 KZ400B, 1983 ZN1300, and so on and so on...

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Re: What was your most embarrassing moment?
« Reply #39 on: February 27, 2006, 04:19:58 PM »
I gratfully declined and limped home and put the bike on craig's list:

Darn you Mike! Quit Teasing! Why the heck do you have to live in the North West? Could you please move closer to me and then repost the bike? :'(

Best Regards,
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Re: What was your most embarrassing moment?
« Reply #40 on: February 27, 2006, 04:29:29 PM »
Mike!  you can get more than $900 for that. :'( :-\

Offline Japbikemike

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Re: What was your most embarrassing moment?
« Reply #41 on: February 27, 2006, 07:40:31 PM »
Mike!  you can get more than $900 for that. :'( :-\

The Pacific Northwest is swimming with SOHC's.  We put 'em in barns, basements, or in the shrubs...see my holy grail post pic's.

Got an interesting offer to trade for a cb350f....if he throws in a shotgun, I might go for it.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2006, 08:33:24 PM by Japbikemike »
"Whats my favorite bike?  The one I'm on Pal, the one I'm on."---Tom Dobson

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Re: What was your most embarrassing moment?
« Reply #42 on: February 28, 2006, 12:39:20 PM »
you won't regret owning a 350. and if he adds a holster for the shotgun across the handlebars you'll be all set!
1971 750K1
1972 CB350 (deceased)

sometimes naked, sometimes mad -
now the poet, now the fool -
thus they appear on earth,
the free men.