Timing was set with a timing light <200 miles ago. Valves were done <200 miles ago and I checked them again before I tore into it. engine number 2015916 USA k1 so I think this means I don't have to worry about rocker shafts wearing right?
I know adjusting the chain while running isn't recommended, I was just trying every available option, like putting pressure on the kickstarter while adjusting to pre-tension. When I loosened it while running, it made a pretty loud rhythmic slapping sound. The sound I am concerned about is a constant sound, not like tappets but something constantly rubbing or touching. It is present at idle and on throttle, and gets louder with more revs.
Here's pictures of the rockers and cam, I didn't see anything too bad, other than that someone has been in here before with sealant, but at least they didn't dump a whole tube on it. So now it seems I back to square one.