I'd suggest the following things, not knowing the bike first-hand:
1. Remove and clean the carbs. The jets are likely crusty and partially clogged, and the O-rings that seal (and seat) the jets may be cracked, or not sealing anymore, since they are about 35 years past their lifetime. They are 1.2x4.0 size, or you can get them in the better carb kits: DO NOT change the jets if the kits come with them, as most kits now have incorrect jets in them. You can find kits of just the rubber and float valves.
2. Get a new PAPER (not foam) air filter element for it. The old one is likely damaged and plugged from humidity: they have an expiration of 3 years if not kept in a plastic sealed bag.
3. Check the ignition timing with a strobe light. With 4k miles on it, the points are likely fine, but their gap may have closed up a bit. You should be able to simply adjust the timing back to the "F" marks by slightly opening the gap on the points, as their rubbing foot (on the spark advancer cam) and pivot always wore a little bit during the first 3000 miles or so while the points settled in.