Unless you are bringing your carbs back from the dead, you really dont need ANY of those parts....sorry to say.
Kit parts are shiny....but never as good as the keihin stuff.
clean and polish your stock keihin jets, and unless they are crushed, dont replace them with the kit jets
Theres only one good reason to replace a stock needle, and that is if it is bent and has worn a slot in the hole of the emulsion tube....and thats the only reason to use the kit emulsion tube...
The only reason to replace the float needle and seat, is if they OEM needle has a noticeable wear ring around the cone, and it leaks....might just want to replace teh seat oring
replace the main jet orings and teh bowl orings. theyre viton and good quality...
The top cap paper gasket, sure, use them, but NEW is not vital.