New to the forum here, so thanks for having me! I've downloaded some manuals in the past which have been very helpful.
I'm currently having some carb troubles. I have a 1979 Honda CB650 which tends to bog when I increase the throttle from idle. The response is good at higher RPM's. It's just at lower RPM's when I slowly or quickly increase the throttle, the engine hesitates and wants to die. I've taken the carbs off again to have another look. My question is, in the picture below, what are those ports (labeled A,B,C)? What do they do and where do they go? That is, what is their purpose and if I blow compressed air/carb cleaner through them where will it end up? This is a view of the #2 carb but all three ports are on every carb. Thanks again, and looking forward to the response.