Did I ever say I officially hate Olathe?
Almost got into fisticuffs with some old dude on the offramp at 119th because he was blocking the shoulder being an a$$.
He got out of his truck when I got to the light and I wasn't going to let him get the drop on me.
He probably thought I was some cracker pipsqueak when I horned and cursed him as I went around him.
He took a look at me as I got out and started to yell at him to get in his effing truck and drive away. He gave me the finger and got back in. I was pisssed and the adrenaline was flowing at that point but that was kind of funny.
That was to pick up my shocks early at the UPS depot, they wanted to charge me $25 to pick it up early. What a waste of time... have to wait a whole day now...